Saturday, August 29, 2020

 Hello Electa Quinney Families -

The first day of school is now merely a few days away. Here is an "At a Glance document" for the start of the year and updated information for arrival and dismissal to help things run smoothly Tuesday and beyond.... 

Reopening at a Glance Document for Electa Quinney (click here)


  • As in years past, supervision will begin at 7:35, the first bell rings at 7:45. 

  • Students dropped off by parents, walking, or taking the bus should go to the playground and enter the building at their assigned classroom door.  

    • 2nd Grade will enter Door #11 (first door off of the playground) and proceed to their classroom.

    • 3rd Grade and 4th Grade will enter Door #7 (take sidewalk off of the playground to the door at the back of the building) and proceed to their classroom.  The classroom for 3-Dakins is located closer to the front of the building so those students can enter door #11 with the 2nd grade students.  

  • Students should wear face coverings when they enter the building. 

  • Dropping off between 7:35 and 7:45 is appropriate. 

  • The drop off area along Sullivan Avenue on the side closest to the building is considered a “Hug and Go” zone. This means that parents here would not walk with their student to the school building but rather drop students off at the sidewalk. 

  • If you would like to walk with you student to the door they will enter you will need to park along Ann St. 

  • Thank you for utilizing crosswalks and sidewalks during this time as it can be very busy and everyone’s safety is very important to us. 

  • The parking lots are used for buses, daycares, 4K parents or other authorized vehicles only. Thank you for your cooperation with this. 

  • If you are arriving late (after 7:50). Students will need to be dropped off at the front doors and a parent will need to ring the buzzer. Parents, however, are not allowed in the building at this time without a scheduled appointment. 

  • TRAFFIC pattern information including map can be viewed here.
  • There will be many adults helping out the first few days while students are learning the routines. 


  • To minimize large groups of students being together in the hallway we will be staggering our afternoon release time by a few minutes. 

    • 4th Grade EQ students will be released at 3:06

    • 3rd Grade EQ students will  be released at 3:08

    • 2nd Grade EQ students will be released at 3:10

  • Parents picking up students will meet their students on the blacktop of the playground. Parents will need to park along Ann or Sullivan and walk to meet their child/ren. Please be mindful of social distancing at this time. It can be helpful to establish the same area on the black top where you will meet your child/ren every day. 

  • Aside from families with disabled children and NDLC 4K parents, cars should not utilize the parking lots as that is the bus zone. 

  • Thank you for utilizing sidewalks and crosswalks at dismissal as it can be a very busy time 

  • TRAFFIC pattern information including map can be viewed here.

Daily Health Screening Please see this link for the daily health screening. Parents should go through each of these questions with each child before the start of each school day.

This KASD Stronger Together section of our website you may also find helpful as it includes detailed information regarding the full district opening plan and charts regarding illness decision making.

Please contact myself and or your child's classroom teacher if you have any questions as we proceed with the start of the school year.  In the meantime, enjoy the weekend with your family and friends!  Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Stacy Knapp

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Electa Quinney Virtual Tour

We have created a virtual tour for families to view.  This will be especially beneficial for our 2nd grade students and any other students who are new to the building.  It addresses how students will get into the school building and what the various common areas of the school building look like.  

Families can access the video tour by clicking above or clicking here
.  It will also be posted on our school website.