Sunday, April 26, 2020

April 27-May 1, 2020

This week's video announcement...

  • This week's episode of the announcements features previously recorded snippets from 3rd grade classes earlier this year and some videos sent in especially for you from EQ staff.
  • Please take a moment to click on and view the video announcement above with your child!  

Monday, April 27

  • Movement Monday - Participate in a physical activity.  You could stay active with even simple everyday things you might have at home.  Watch as Mr. Halloran shows you how...

Tuesday, April 28

Happy Birthday: Sevastian K. - from Mr. Kieckhafer's Room & 
                         Cyena L. - From Mrs. Ponte's Room
  • Terrific Tuesday - Be a bucket filler today!  We challenge you to share a bucket slip or hand written note with a kind thought with someone at home, with your teacher or another classmate through Google Classroom or SeeSaw.  Here are some bucket slips shared earlier this year by some of our third grade students...

Wednesday, April 29

  • What Went Well Wednesday - 
    • What has been going well for you?  Listen to what the third graders had to say in the fall.  Is this going well for you at home with your brothers, sisters, or family?

Thursday, April 30

SUPERHERO Dress-up Spirit Day!  
Cougar Council designated this early in the year as  Superhero Day!  Even though we are at home, dress-up as a superhero if you'd like or wear a superhero t-shirt/pjs.  Take a selfie of you dressed as a superhero and email it to Mrs. Knapp at  Then watch for it on Facebook and Instagram!

  • Things That Make You Go Hmm... Thursday!
    • Here one from earlier in the year from the third graders..

Friday, May 1

  • Funny Friday-  Here is a joke for Funny Friday from Mrs. Luedeke and her son Owen!  Post a joke on your Google Classroom or SeeSaw page for your class. 

Have a story to share or a picture of your child or family doing the themes listed above?  

Send them to Mrs. Knapp at and we'll share them with our school family on Facebook and Instagram!  One way to have fun together even though we are socially distanced!

May 4-8 is Staff Appreciation Week

We are having a Super Spirit celebration next week to honor the “Superhero” Quinney staff!!  We would appreciate your help in thanking our staff by sharing your thanks in the special options listed in the email from Mrs. Knapp sent on April 25, 2020.  If you no longer have that email, let Mrs. Knapp know and she will send it your way again  THANK YOU EVERYONE!


We are in the process of reimbursing field trip money that was collected. We will be returning checks that were not deposited. If your funds were deposited, we will issue a check. IF you have children in different grades (different trips) we will try to send one check with any/all trips accounted for on the check. 

UPDATE from Mrs. Jersett**
Yes, we have checks! Please watch for checks to start arriving next week for those of you who haven't received your refund.  Thank you for your patience in advance!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

April 20-24, 2020

This week's video announcement...

  • Please take a moment to click on and view the video announcement above with your child!  We watch video announcements each day as classroom communities and a school community to start our day.  Enjoy this rendition featuring previously recorded snippets from earlier this year and some videos sent in especially for you from EQ staff.

Monday, April 20

Happy Birthday: Damien M., Ava T. - from Mrs. McKinnon

  • Movement Monday - Participate in a physical activity.  You could get active with something as simple as a balloon.  Mrs. Stratton and her boys show us how...

Tuesday, April 21

  • Terrific Tuesday - Be a bucket filler today!  We challenge you to share a bucket slip or hand written note with a kind thought with someone at home, with your teacher or another classmate through Google Classroom or SeeSaw.  Here are some bucket slips shared earlier this year by some of our fourth grade students...

Wednesday, April 22

Happy Birthday: Cadin M. - Mrs. Owen, Nevaeh B. - Mrs. Forster, Levi G. - Mrs. Ponte
  • What Went Well Wednesday - 
    • What has been going well for you?   Take a selfie of you doing your work at home this week and email it to Mrs. Knapp at  Then watch for it on Facebook and Instagram.

Thursday, April 23

Happy Birthday: Cooper L. - Mrs. Baranczyk/Mrs. Wiese, Mrs. Durrant
  • Things That Make You Go Hmm... Thursday!
    • Here one from earlier in the year from the fourth graders..

Friday, April 24

Happy Birthday: Isaac S. - Mrs. Jozwiak 
Weekend: Hayden S. - Ms. Gill, Lucia H. - Mr. Kieckhafer, Aeron S. - Mrs. Baranczyk/Mrs. Wiese, Mrs. Jozwiak
  • Funny Friday-  Here are a few jokes for Funny Friday from Mrs. Koenig and her son Cole!  Post a joke on your Google Classroom or SeeSaw page for your class. 

Have a story to share or a picture of your child or family doing the themes listed above?  

Send them to Mrs. Knapp at and we'll share them with our school family on Facebook and Instagram!  One way to have fun together even though we are socially distanced!

Note from Mrs. Knapp...

I hope your first week with the updated Flexible Learning our teachers have been providing went as well as can be expected!!!   Thank you for braving the unknown with us all and helping the teachers feel comfortable as well with the platform of sharing learning options digitally with you!  

Again, we know each family is coming at this from a very different perspective.  We have asked teachers to maintain contact with students and families from a relationship and connection standpoint.  With this you have experienced classroom meeting opportunities through Google Hangout or video recordings of the teachers.  The meetings and the other reading, writing, math, and extension activities are a resource or reference for students and families to use as you see fit.  Please know that the meetings or items provided from teachers are not a requirement by any means.  There are some families that are not able to do any of this, and we are ok with that, and there are families that are able to do parts and other families finding more to do beyond this.  We understand and accept whatever extent you wish or are able to use any of the items sent.

We now received the news last week that we will no longer return to our school buildings for learning for the remainder of the school year.  Families should have received district level communication via mail and there were various posts on social media sites.  District leadership and staff will continue to meet and within time will have more updates for the things you may be wondering such as how to get remaining personal materials, supplies and etc.  We want to assure we have things in order to meet needs and assure safety for all and once things are set in place they will be shared out.  

Thank you for keeping in touch with us and all the hard work you are doing!  We know each of our families are doing the best we can. The time you spend with your children with even everyday tasks such as making and eating meals together, going on walks, getting creative with a cardboard box, and more can mean more than anything.  

Stay safe and be well!
Stacy Knapp, Principal


We are in the process of reimbursing field trip money that was collected. We will be returning checks that were not deposited. If your funds were deposited, we will issue a check. IF you have children in different grades (different trips) we will try to send one check with any/all trips accounted for on the check. 

UPDATE from Mrs. Jersett**
Yes, unfortunately we ran out of checks...We are waiting for our order of checks to arrive to continue the refunds. As soon as the checks arrive we will complete the rest of the payments. Thank you for your patience in advance!

Sunday, April 12, 2020

April 13-17, 2020

This week's video announcement...

  • Please take a moment to click on and view the video announcement above with your child!  We watch video announcements each day as classroom communities and a school community to start our day.  Enjoy this rendition featuring previously recorded snippets from earlier this year and some videos sent in especially for you from EQ staff.

EXTRA, EXTRA...Here is some more fun...

Monday, April 13

Happy Birthday: Anna A. - 4Forster
  • Movement Monday - Participate in a physical activity.  Try a plank challenge with your family this week.  Mr. Halloran shows us how...

Tuesday, April 14

Happy Birthday: Mrs. Olson
  • Terrific Tuesday - Be a bucket filler today!  Share a virtual bucket slip by sharing a kind thought with someone at home, with your teacher or another classmate through Google Classroom or SeeSaw.  You could make your own Bucket Filling Family Chart like this...

Wednesday, April 15

  • What Went Well Wednesday - 
    • What has been going well for you?   Take a selfie of you doing your work at home this week and email it to Mrs. Knapp at  Then watch for it on Facebook and Instagram.

Thursday, April 16

Happy Birthday: Greyson S. - 3Gaines
  • Things That Make You Go Hmm... Thursday!
    • When you blink one eye, you move over 200 muscles.

Friday, April 17

Happy Birthday: Gage D. -2Ritzke, Jacob S. - 3Dercks, 
Weekend: Raven S. - 3Haehlke
  • Funny Friday-  Tell someone in your family a joke.  Post a joke on your Google Classroom or SeeSaw page for your class.  Or watch the end of the  video announcements again with the jokes from Mrs. Baranczyk and Mrs. Durrant.

Have a story to share or a picture of your child or family doing the themes listed above?  

Send them to Mrs. Knapp at and we'll share them with our school family on Facebook and Instagram!  One way to have fun together even though we are socially distanced!

Note from Mrs. Knapp...

Dear Families, 

We recognize  that learning at home can’t be a “one-size-fits-all” approach.  Some of us are juggling working from home while trying to continue student learning, some of us have grandparents or other caregivers watching our kids during the day.  Some of us have older children watching younger children...  And all of that is okay.  We are all doing the best we can. 

Mr. Maki, Director of Elementary Education, sent an email on Friday afternoon with the additional flexible learning options we are now offering to continue your child’s education while at home. As a way to help keep you informed we have created a new Google folder for you to access the themes for each week as well as some ongoing resources. This folder can be accessed through our Flexible Learning website under the Continued Learning Weekly Guides link.  This folder is a reference for families, your child’s teacher will use these resources to provide learning opportunities each day. Expect more daily contacts from your child's teacher with the learning opportunities that are taken from the Weekly Guides.  These contacts will come via email, Google Classroom, SeeSaw, and etc.

The biggest thing to keep in mind is that, if possible, have your child read, write and practice math every day.  Don’t worry about introducing new learning.  They already know how to write in all of the genres and how to read different types of books. Simply by keeping them reading and writing, they will grow.  Try not to stress - brain research tells us that a child under stress cannot learn from an adult under stress.  

We know that so many resources and ideas have been shared. We will try to help streamline which resources we are using from the school. 

Lastly, we will welcome them back with open arms when it is safe to do so.  We will do what we do best- meet your child’s needs, wherever they are. 

Stay safe and be well!
Stacy Knapp, Principal


We are in the process of reimbursing field trip money that was collected. We will be returning checks that were not deposited. If your funds were deposited, we will issue a check. IF you have children in different grades (different trips) we will try to send one check with any/all trips accounted for on the check. Thank you for your patience in advance!

Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week

Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness week is this week.  When in session at school we always take this time to review our safety plans in severe weather and tornado warnings.  There will not be that same drill this year.  ReadyWisconsin and its partners will be having a "Virtual" Tornado Drill on Thursday, April 16th, however, there will be no alerts on NOAA Weather Radios or on TV. Instead, there may be messages on social media from ReadyWisconsin, the National Weather Service, and Wisconsin Broadcasters across the state reminding you about tornado safety.  Governor Evers encourages everyone this spring to talk about weather safety during this Awareness Week.  As a family, take a moment this week to talk about your plans at home for taking shelter when severe weather or a tornado warning is issued. 

Resources for parents:
For students: