Monday, Nov. 29, Day 3
#1 - Mini Turkey Corn Dogs
Tuesday, Nov. 30, Day 4
#1 - Beef Nachos
Wednesday, Dec. 1, Day 5
#1 - Turkey Hot Dog
- School Spirit Wear Day - Wear an Electa Quinney Shirt, Kaukauna Shirt, or Orange/Black!
Thursday, Dec. 2, Day 6
#1 - Classic American Cheeseburger
Friday, Dec. 3, Day 1
#1 - Cheese Pizza Cruncher
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, Dec. 7th- Cougar Council Pajama and Stuffy Day
Wear your pajamas and bring your favorite stuffed animal to school!
Tuesday, Dec. 7th- City of Kaukauna Holiday Parade
Friday, Dec. 10th- All Students No School
Here are some literacy tips to help at home:
- Make reading a special, positive time.
- Find or make a special cozy reading area at home
- Make reading positive and do not use it as a punishment
- Talk to your child about what their reading
- Take books everywhere and play word games in the car!
- Reading online, a book from the library, a magazine and even recipes can count towards your child’s 20 minutes of reading
- Take turns reading to your child and act out the story as you read it.
- Write your child notes and leave them places for them to read!
- Read in fun places, in a blanket fort or under the table.
- Let your child read to a stuffed animal or pet!
Begin Sending Boots!
Thank you for sending your student to school prepared...
- Boots
- Coat
- Lightweight Mittens
- Hood or lightweight hat
- On days with a prediction of SNOW
- Snowpants
- Snow mittens
- Stocking Hat
December Focus is on Empathy
This month we are talking about the social-emotional skill of Empathy. We are using this definition at school:
Empathy: the ability to understand and connect to the feelings of another.
Empathy is a crucial skill for being in community with others and a powerful skill to develop in personal and professional relationships. We are focusing on a few key pieces of Empathy: knowing how we feel (and having language to describe those feelings!), understanding what others are feeling, and listening to others well so that we can connect in more meaningful ways! We will reflect on powerful images that will inspire conversations about emotions, connection, and friendship. We will think about incredible people like the Indian author Arundhati Roy and our past president Barack Obama have to say about Empathy. We will celebrate what makes us different and find the amazing things that bring us together.
Box Tops for Education
Community Events and Activity Flyers
There are a great many worthy undertakings in the Kaukauna Area School District that understandably deserve public support. The Board of Education/School District assist with this process in providing notice to students and/or families of certain non-school-related community activities/programs that are for public school-age students (that apply and meet policy conditions). Click here or visit the school district website to view the up to date list of events and flyers.