Sunday, February 3, 2019

February 4-8, 2019

Week at a Glance:

Monday, February 4: Day 5


#1 - Mini Corn Dogs
#2 - BBQ Rib-B-Q Sandwich
  • Chipotle Fundraiser, 4 - 8 p.m.
    • Tell the cashier that you are there to support Quinney PAC fundraiser when you pay!

Tuesday, February 5:  Day 6

#1 - Chicken Nuggets w/Waffle
#2 - Ham & Turkey Chef Salad

3rd Grade meets with Author Patricia Polacco (Author study), 12 pm
4th Grade meets with Author Patricia Polacco, 1 pm

Wednesday, February 6:   Day 1

#1 - Cheese Pizza
#2 - Cheesy Chicken & Rice Casserole

Thursday, February 7:  Day 2

#1 - Soft Shell Taco
#2 - Beef, Bean & Cheese Burrito

Community Activity Fair, River View, 5-7 p.m.

Friday, February 8:  Day 3

#1 - French Toast Sticks w/ Sausage Patty
#2 - Sunbutter & Grape Jelly Sandwich

MONDAY, Feb. 4 - Chipotle Fundraiser

  • Online orders are NOT included in the fundraiser total. Only in-store purchases will count.
  • Make sure you show the fundraiser flyer (hard copy or on your phone) or tell the cashier at checkout that you are there for a fundraiser before you pay.
  • We are NOT permitted to hand out flyers to anyone (including our own supporters) or promote the event inside or outside of the restaurant or in the parking lot at any time.  Violation of this policy will result in our fundraiser being canceled.
  • Gift cards purchased during fundraisers do not count towards total donated sales, but purchases made with an existing gift card will count.

Author Visit:  Patricia Polacco

A wonderful opportunity came our way through the help and support of retired KASD Library Media Specialist, Mary VanderLoop.  Mrs. VanderLoop initiated and organized for the Award-winning children's author Patricia Polacco to visit Electa Quinney, Victor Haen and PCCS and speak with our 3rd grade and 4th-grade students.  With 3rd-grade students recently completing an author study of Polacco and 4th-grade students completing the same author study last year, this is a prime opportunity for our students and staff.  She will visit Electa Quinney on Tuesday of this week speaking to 3rd-grade students at 12:00 p.m. and 4th-grade students at 1:00 p.m.  

Manner of the Week Feb. 4-15:  

When an adult asks you to do something, do it without complaining

Students and staff at Electa Quinney have been trying hard to grow our manners each week by building a list of TOP TEN MANNERS.  The February 4 - 15 manner emphasizes "When an adult asks you to do something, do it without complaining".


We are excited to share with you that we will be starting a Safety Patrol Program, with the help of 4th grade students, for our building. Mrs. Nelson is the Coordinator for this great program. Here is some helpful information.

What is Safety Patrol?

  • Safety Patrol is a leadership position to help classmates travel to and from school safely.
  • Patrollers serve before and after school, keeping children away from traffic in bus loading/unloading areas.
  • Patrollers direct children, not traffic.

What does this mean for our building?

  • Safety patrollers will be by the bus area in the morning to help walk students from the busses to the playground.   
  • Safety patrollers will walk bussers out of the building to the bus routes after school.
  • Safety patrollers will stand by the route lines and then walk students to their bus.
  • Safety patrollers are tentatively scheduled to start February 6th.
  • Students will be made aware of Safety Patrol in the coming weeks - Stay tuned

Community Activity Fair - 4K-8

On Feb. 7th, 5-7 p.m., at River View is a Community Activity Fair for families of elementary to middle school-aged students.  The purpose is to try and give families one night and location that they can learn more about all the different clubs, sports, and organizations in the community.  This is geared for students grades 4K-8th grade.  Interested in learning about different community activities (clubs, sports, organizations) for your students ... all in one place? Some organizations scheduled to attend include: Kaukauna Recreation Department, YMCA, Girls Scouts, Kaukauna Gymnastics Club, Electric City Soccer, Kaukauna Running Club, Kaukauna Raiders Football, Kaukauna Youth Baseball, Sandbox Volleyball, Whitehead’s Martial Arts Academy, and more!  We look forward to seeing you there!

Summer School - 2019

Before we know it Summer School registration will be here.  Feel free to keep referring back to the Summer School Website to stay up-to-date:

Upcoming Events:

  • Monday, February 11: 
    • PAC Meeting, 6-7 p.m. (rescheduled from Jan. 28)
  • Thursday, February 14:
    • Red, White & Pink Day!
  • Tuesday, February 19:
    • EQ FAMILY EVENT, 5:30-7 p.m.
  • Thursday & Friday, February 21-22: