Saturday, February 9, 2019

February 11-15, 2019

Week at a Glance:

Monday, February 11: Day 4

#1 - Chicken Patty on a Bun
#2 - Swedish Meatballs w/Pasta
  • 100th Day of School! - Celebrate the 100th scheduled day of school and dress like you are 100 years old or wear something with 100 on it.
  • Student Assembly, 2:15 p.m.
  • PAC Meeting, 6-7 p.m. (rescheduled from Jan. 28)

Tuesday, February 12:  Day 5

#1 - Egg & Cheese Croissant
#2 - Strawberry Parfait w/Granola

Wednesday, February 13:   Day 6

#1 - Pizza Dippers
#2 - Beef & Bean Chili

Thursday, February 14:  Day 1

#1 - Meatball Sub
#2 - Italian Meatsauce w/Spaghetti

  • Celebrate Valentine's Day - dress in Red, White or Pink Day!

Friday, February 15:  Day 2

#1 - Beef Nachos
#2 - Cheeseburger on a Bun

Upcoming Events:

  • Tuesday, February 19:  Family Event - Kids Heart Challenge (postponed)
  • Thursday & Friday, February 21-22: 

Family Event POSTPONED

As you may have heard, Gym A at Electa Quinney/NDLC is out of commission as the gym floor is replaced due to the flooding experienced with the pipe break on Friday, Feb. 8th.  With the limited gymnasium space, we have made the decision to postpone the Feb. 19th EQ Family Event - Kids Heart Challenge (previously Jump Rope for Heart).  When a future date is chosen we will notify families via the Family Blog, school calendar, and in students folders.  Please continue to collect pledges for the Kids Heart Challenge which are due no later than Friday, March 8th.  The students earn prizes for their efforts and our school receives a US game gift certificate to help purchase new PE equipment for our school!  All are welcome to participate even if you are not choosing to pledge.

Manner of the Week Feb. 4-15:  

When an adult asks you to do something,

do it without complaining

Students and staff at Electa Quinney have been trying hard to grow our manners each week by building a list of TOP TEN MANNERS.  The February 4 - 15 manner emphasizes "When an adult asks you to do something, do it without complaining".

Summer School - 2019

Before we know it Summer School registration will be here.  Feel free to keep referring back to the Summer School Website to stay up-to-date:

Feb. 12 - Abraham Lincoln Day

February 12th is a Wisconsin School Observance Day honoring the 16th president of the United States. Lincoln was born February 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky; assassinated 1865. Observed as a federal holiday (Presidents' Day) on the third Monday in February. (Monday, February 18, 2019)  Originally part of court statutes to observe these days and was enacted for the schools on June 27, 1923, from the 1923 Laws of Wisconsin, Chapter 307, section 20.