Week at a Glance:
Monday, February 18: Day 3
#1 - Hot Dog on a Bun
#2 - Beef & Bean Chili
#2 - Beef & Bean Chili
Tuesday, February 19: Day 4
#1 - Oven Roasted Pork w/ Mashed Potatoes
#2 - Turkey Ranch Wrap
#2 - Turkey Ranch Wrap
Wednesday, February 20: Day 5
#1 - Macho Nachos
#2 - Beef Enchiladas
#1 - Macho Nachos
#2 - Beef Enchiladas
Thursday, February 21 & Friday, February 22:
Manner of the Week Feb. 18-March 1:
Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneezeStudents and staff at Electa Quinney have been trying hard to grow our manners each week by building a list of TOP TEN MANNERS. The February 18 - March 1 manner emphasizes "Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze".
Wisconsin Forward Spring State Assessment
The Wisconsin Forward Exam will be given in schools between March 18 and May 3, 2019. The Forward Exam is a state mandated summative assessment which provides information about what students know and can do in relation to the Wisconsin Academic Standards. Students receive a score based on their performance in each content area.There are sample or practice test questions available for students. An Online Tools Training (OTT) is available for students at http://dpi.wi.gov/assessment/forward/sample-items. The OTT is intended to give students the opportunity to practice with tools available on the Forward Exam, as well as allow them to familiarize themselves with the testing platform. The OTT is not scored, nor is it intended to provide practice on the test content. Students will be exploring these tools and training at school prior to testing.
The Forward Exam will be administered online and be given to:
- Grades 3-8 in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics,
- Grades 4 and 8 in Science and,
- Grades 4, 8, and 10 in Social Studies
The Forward Exam includes several question types:
- Multiple-Choice (MC): Question that has four answer choices, including three distractors and one correct answer.
- Enhanced Selected Response (ESR): Question which may contain combinations of MC, short-answer, and technology-enhanced.
- Evidence-Based Selected Response (ESBR): Question which has two parts. The student answers Part A, then provides evidence in Part B to support answer in Part A.
- Text-Dependent Analysis (TDA): Question used on the ELA test. The TDA is a text-based analysis, based on a passage that is read by the student during the assessment. Students must draw on basic writing skills while inferring and synthesizing information from the passage in order to develop a comprehensive, holistic essay response. Students have up to 5000 characters to formulate their response.
- Technology-Enhanced (TE): TE questions allow for a more engaging, interactive assessment.
Accommodations and supports for students with disabilities and/or English language learners are built into the system so that the progress of students can be accurately measured.
The estimated time for the test administration in each grade is approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes for ELA, 1 hour and 45 minutes for Mathematics, 1 hour and 40 minutes for Science, and 1 hour and 30 minutes for Social Studies. These are estimated times, as the WI Forward Exam is not a timed test so students work at their own pace.
If you have any questions or concerns about the new assessment, please contact the office.
Summer School - 2019
Before we know it Summer School registration will be here. Feel free to keep referring back to the Summer School Website to stay up-to-date:
Family Event POSTPONED
As you may have heard, Gym A at Electa Quinney/NDLC is out of commission as the gym floor is replaced due to the flooding experienced with the pipe break on Friday, Feb. 8th. With the limited gymnasium space, we have made the decision to postpone the Feb. 19th EQ Family Event - Kids Heart Challenge (previously Jump Rope for Heart). When a future date is chosen we will notify families via the Family Blog, school calendar, and in students folders. Please continue to collect pledges for the Kids Heart Challenge which are due no later than Friday, March 8th. The students earn prizes for their efforts and our school receives a US game gift certificate to help purchase new PE equipment for our school! All are welcome to participate even if you are not choosing to pledge.
Feb. 22 - George Washington Day
Friday, February 22nd is a Wisconsin School Observance Day honoring the first president of the United States. Washington was born February 22, 1732; died 1799. He is honored for his efforts to create a new nation dedicated to the rights of the people.Observed as a federal holiday (Presidents' Day) on the third Monday in February. (Monday, February 18, 2019) Originally part of court statutes to observe these days and was enacted for the schools on June 27, 1923, from the 1923 Laws of Wisconsin, Chapter 307, section 20.
Mark Your Calendars!
Mark your calendar for National School Breakfast Week- March 4-8, 2019! Eating breakfast is an important part in helping students achieve academic success.
Be on the look out for special surprises for those participating in breakfast week... All our menus can be accessed online at Kaukauna.nutrislice.com.