Sunday, March 20, 2022

March 21 - March 25, 2022


Monday, Mar. 21, Day 6

Lunch: Personal Galaxy Cheese Pizza 

Tuesday, Mar. 22, Day 1

Lunch: Beef Nachos 

Wednesday, Mar. 23, Day 2

Lunch: Rotini Tossed in Italian Meat Sauce 

School Spirit Wear Day - Wear an Electa Quinney Shirt, Kaukauna Shirt, or Orange/Black! 

Thursday, Mar. 24, Day 3

Lunch: Classic America Cheeseburger 

Friday, Mar. 25, Day 4

Early Dismissal! Students Dismissed at 11:30 AM 

Green Bay Blizzard Order Forms Due TODAY!!!  See form below, click below for printable form.

Upcoming Events:
Mar. 28 - Board of Education Meeting 
Mar. 29 - Cougar Council Dress Up Day - Wacky Hair or Hat Day 


 Spring 21-22 Parent-Teacher-Student conferences. We will be holding the conferences virtually with Google Meet. Under your child's teacher, you will find the Google Meet link under "location". This will be the link you will use for your scheduled conference. Please see below for an example: 

**Menus subject to change per Chartwells. Always monitor the Chartwells' NutriSlice Online Menu as changes can happen a week prior, days prior, and sometimes even the morning of.

We will celebrate reading throughout the month at school by reading in fun ways, with mystery readers, and more. We are excited to tie in the character traits we have focused on so far in our implementation of PurposeFull People this year and help students see those themes and traits within books. At the culmination of the month students will each receive a book purchased by the EQ PAC. Watch the weekly blog and our social media (Facebook and Instagram) for snapshots of the fun!!!

March guidance topics are upon us!
This Month we will be focusing on Celebrating our Differences 
Students will put value to their own uniqueness and talk about what respecting other's differences looks like at school and in the community.

Wisconsin Forward Exam Testing
 The WI Forward Exam will be given within the established testing window of March 21-April 29. Grade 3 will receive testing in ELA (English Language Arts) and mathematics. Grade 4 will receive testing in ELA (English Language Arts), mathematics, Science and Social Studies.
Summer School registration opens Sunday, April 3rd at 12:00PM.
Dates: June 13 - July 1 for most classes
Section Times:  8:00-9:15, 9:20-10:35, 10:40-11:55
Location: Kaukauna High School
Click Here for more information on Kaukauna Summer School! 

PurposeFull People Creativity Family Activity

Plan ahead for the “I’m bored” blues and create a family fun jar that is filled with creative activities. Grab a mason jar, popsicle sticks, and permanent markers. Brainstorm with your family about simple ideas to write on the sticks that can bring some creative fun to your family. The next time someone is feeling bored, grab a stick from the jar! Creative ideas to help you get started: Build an indoor tent or fort, turn a cardboard box into something new, build a fairy garden, play “don’t touch the ground” with a balloon, build an obstacle course, play “the floor is lava” inside your house, bake a favorite recipe, fly a kite, go to a park you have never been to, look at old photographs and talk about your favorite memories.

Community Events and Activity Flyers

There are a great many worthy undertakings in the Kaukauna Area School District that understandably deserve public support. The Board of Education/School District assist with this process in providing notice to students and/or families of certain non-school-related community activities/programs that are for public school-age students (that apply and meet policy conditions). Click here or visit the school district website to view the up to date list of events and flyers