Monday, Mar. 14
No School - All Students
PAC Meeting - 6:00-7:00pm @ Quinney Elementary LMC
Wednesday, Mar. 16, Day 3
Lunch: Chicken Nuggets
11:00-12:00 Green Bay Blizzard Players Coming to Read!
School Spirit Wear Day - Wear an Electa Quinney Shirt, Kaukauna Shirt, or Orange/Black!
Thursday, Mar. 17, Day 4
Lunch: Sloppy Joe
Cougar Council Dress Up Day - Wear Green/Dress Like a Leprechaun
Friday, Mar. 18, Day 5
Lunch: Cheese Stuffed Breadsticks
2nd Grade Field Trip to PAC
Upcoming Events:
Mar. 25 - Early Dismissal
Mar. 28 - Board of Education Meeting
Mar. 29 - Cougar Council Dress Up Day - Wacky Hair or Hat Day

Students staying outside 7:35-7:45 a.m.
Beginning Tuesday, March 15th, Electa Quinney will return to the before school practices we had used prior to COVID by having students stay outside once they arrive at school in the morning. Rather than enter school, students should proceed to the playground upon arrival with their backpacks and other materials with them. The time outside before school is very limited, only 10 minutes or less depending on their arrival, 7:35-7:45 p.m. Although that time is short, students should come dressed for the weather which tends to be cooler in the morning (i.e. boots, coats, hats and gloves). The first bell will ring at 7:45 AM which signals all students to line up (normal recess class lines) and enter school. Classes officially begin at 7:50 AM. Students should plan to arrive as close to the starting time as possible, but not before 7:35 AM as there is NO adult supervision prior to 7:35 AM. Should there be inclement weather (wind chill below 0 or thunder/lightning) their normal entrance doors will be open and students will come inside. Students are able to socialize with friends with others while they wait for the 7:45 bell. When equipment is dry/safe they will also be able to play on the equipment once the supervisors come outside to monitor. NDLC students will still continue to come into the school as they have been per their school practices.
EQ Classroom Teachers have taught a lesson to students last week to learn the expected behaviors with this change.

Virtual Spring Parent Teacher Conferences:
March 22 4:00pm-7:30pm
March 24 4:00pm-7:30pm
March 25 12:30pm-4:00pm
Spring conferences are around the corner. We are again using the "Sign-Up Genius" online system to schedule our Spring 21-22 Parent-Teacher-Student conferences We will be holding the conferences virtually with Google Meet. Although we will not meet in person, families should still "sign-up" for a time so that you can have an uninterrupted time with your child's teacher.
IMPORTANT - When arriving at the linked website, FIRST click the TAB at the top of the page for the teacher/classroom you are wishing to schedule a conference.*
Once you have chosen the correct tab for the classroom/teacher, click Sign-Up next to the time you prefer from the available slots and then click Submit and Sign-up at the bottom of the page. This will bring up a box that will ask you for your student's name. You are not required to enter your email address or sign up for an account with Sign-Up Genius. However, if you do enter your e-mail information you will receive a reminder 1 day prior to the conference date. If you already have a Sign-Up Genius account, make that choice and enter your login information. *Please note that some parent student teacher conferences have already been scheduled with a teacher/specialist. If your child's teacher already called/e-mailed you to schedule a conference, disregard this message as our conference will already be held/listed on the site.
Once you are finished, click 'Sign Up Now', and the process is complete.
If you have any questions or are unable to access the internet to sign-up, please contact the Quinney Office Staff at 766-6116 or your child's classroom teacher.
**Menus subject to change per Chartwells. Always monitor the Chartwells' NutriSlice Online Menu as changes can happen a week prior, days prior, and sometimes even the morning of.
We have a Parent Advisory Committee meeting this week on Tuesday, March 15th at 6:00 PM. We will be meeting in person in the Library Media Center. If you would prefer to attend our meeting virtually, please email Mrs. Knapp at
We began our 4th Annual #QUINNEYREADS event this week. We will celebrate reading throughout the month at school by reading in fun ways, with mystery readers, and more. We are excited to tie in the character traits we have focused on so far in our implementation of PurposeFull People this year and help students see those themes and traits within books. At the culmination of the month students will each receive a book purchased by the EQ PAC. Watch the weekly blog and our social media (Facebook and Instagram) for snapshots of the fun!!!
March guidance topics are upon us!
This Month we will be focusing on Celebrating our Differences
Students will put value to their own uniqueness and talk about what respecting other's differences looks like at school and in the community.
Our Health Office is in need of the following clothing items. If you are able to donate any items please deliver them to the office. Thank you so much!
Girls leggings or sweatpants: Size 14/16
Boys sweatpants: Size 14/16
Wisconsin Forward Exam Testing
Each spring our students in grades 3 & 4 participate in the WI Forward Exam testing. Grade 3 will receive testing in ELA (English Language Arts) and mathematics. Grade 4 will receive testing in ELA (English Language Arts), mathematics, Science and Social Studies.
The WI Forward Exam will be given within the established testing window of March 21-April 29.
Please contact the office or your child's classroom teacher with any questions.
Summer School registration opens Sunday, April 3rd at 12:00PM. Dates: June 13 - July 1 for most classes
Section Times: 8:00-9:15, 9:20-10:35, 10:40-11:55
Location: Kaukauna High School
Click Here for more information on Kaukauna Summer School! PurposeFull People Creativity Family Activity
Grab members of the family or neighborhood and have a dance battle! You can work in partners or teams and add an extra challenge by assigning the other team their song, a story, or character to include or a genre to dance out! Not ready for your own choreography? Look at some tutorials online and learn a dance together. Or, ask your child to teach you a new move each day this week!
Lots of items have accumulated in the lost and found. Feel free to enter through the front office to search for any missing hats, gloves, shoes, clothes, etc. that may belong to your child.
Community Events and Activity Flyers