Monday, Mar. 28, Day 5
An informational weekly/bi-weekly blog update for the Electa Quinney Elementary School community. We are a PROUD Kaukauna Area School District school and the home of the QUINNEY COUGARS!
Monday, Mar. 28, Day 5
Monday, Mar. 21, Day 6
Spring 21-22 Parent-Teacher-Student conferences. We will be holding the conferences virtually with Google Meet. Under your child's teacher, you will find the Google Meet link under "location". This will be the link you will use for your scheduled conference. Please see below for an example:
Spring conferences are around the corner. We are again using the "Sign-Up Genius" online system to schedule our Spring 21-22 Parent-Teacher-Student conferences We will be holding the conferences virtually with Google Meet. Although we will not meet in person, families should still "sign-up" for a time so that you can have an uninterrupted time with your child's teacher.
Once you have chosen the correct tab for the classroom/teacher, click Sign-Up next to the time you prefer from the available slots and then click Submit and Sign-up at the bottom of the page. This will bring up a box that will ask you for your student's name. You are not required to enter your email address or sign up for an account with Sign-Up Genius. However, if you do enter your e-mail information you will receive a reminder 1 day prior to the conference date. If you already have a Sign-Up Genius account, make that choice and enter your login information. *Please note that some parent student teacher conferences have already been scheduled with a teacher/specialist. If your child's teacher already called/e-mailed you to schedule a conference, disregard this message as our conference will already be held/listed on the site.