Two Weeks at a Glance:
Monday, Nov. 18: Day 5
#1 - Cheeseburger
#2 - Tater Tot Casserole#1 - Cheeseburger
Electa Quinney Spirit Wear Day - Wear a EQ shirt or orange or black!
Tuesday, Nov. 19: Day 6

#1 - Mini Corn Dogs
#2 - Ham & Cheese on a Bun
- Read Aloud of Stuart Little (Chapters 9-10) during lunch recess in Library
- 4:00-8:00 P-T-S Conferences and Book Fair
Wednesday, Nov. 20: Day 1
Lunch:#1 - Nachos
#2 - Chicken & Cheese Quesadilla
Thursday, Nov. 21: Day 2
Lunch:#1 - French Toast Sticks w/Sausage Patty
#2 - Ham, Egg & Cheese Quesadilla
- Read Aloud of Stuart Little (Chapter 11) during lunch recess in Library
11:35-2:30 All Second Grade to Grand Opera House in Oshkosh
4:00-8:00 P-T-S Conferences and Book Fair
Friday, Nov. 22: Day 3
- 1/2 Day of School - Dismissal at 11:30 (No Lunch at School)
- 12:30-4:00 P-T-S Conferences
Monday, Nov. 25: Day 4
#1 - Roasted Turkey w/Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
#1 - Roasted Turkey w/Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
- Electa Quinney Spirit Wear Day - Wear a EQ shirt or orange or black!
- 6:00-7:00 PAC Meeting
Tuesday, Nov. 26: Day 5
Lunch:#1 - Hot Dog
#2 - Toasted Ham & Swiss
- TWIN Spirit Dress-up Day - Find a friend or two and dress up like a twin, triplet, quadruplet or more!

Upcoming Events/Days Off:
- November 17-29 - NO SCHOOL
Quinney families have again shown their desire to help those in need. This year, we collected 2,092 in cash and food items. This amount will surely help families to have a brighter holiday season! Thank you for having HUGE, giving hearts for your surrounding community.
Quinney / KASD Wear Holiday Sale

Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences take place this week on November 19, 21, and 22. Parents can review their conference time online with Sign-Up Genius. Click here to sign-up for a conference time - look for your teachers' tab (15 tabs for 15 classroom teachers).
If you need assistance with signing up, you may call the Quinney office at 766-6116 ext. 1 and our administrative assistant will be glad to help you. Office hours are from 7:30-4:00, Monday-Friday.
Book Fair Hours

- Tuesday, Nov. 19 - 4:00-5:45
- (volunteer cashiers still needed for 5:45-7:30)
- Thursday, Nov. 21 - 4:30-7:30
- Friday, Nov. 22 - Closed
- (volunteer cashiers still needed for 12:30-4:00)
If you are still interested in volunteering as a cashier we are still seeking volunteers to work one hour openings at our Scholastic Book Fair during the this week's Parent/Student/Teacher conferences. Please note that each time slot is only one hour long. Just an hour of your time before or after your conference would mean a lot to our school! Thanks for considering!
Donating for Teacher Meals for Parent Teacher Conferences

To sign up to volunteer to help with meals for teachers click the links below --
- November 19 VanAbel's Sign Up
- November 21 Potato Bar Sign Up
PAC Meeting - Monday, Nov. 25
Join us for our next PAC Meeting on Monday, November 25th, 6-7 pm. So far this year we have been able to purchase alternative seating scoop seats for 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms. We purchased a Stuart Little book for each student, have scheduled to Stuart Little movie on the big inflatable FunFlicks screen for December, set fundraising events for the year, and more.
Our Tom's Drive-in night raised $240.14. Thank you for attending EQ families and friends!!!
Our Tom's Drive-in night raised $240.14. Thank you for attending EQ families and friends!!!