Week at a Glance:
Monday, Nov. 11: Day 6
#1 - Hot Dog
#2 - Ham & Turkey Chef Salad#1 - Hot Dog
Wear RED, WHITE & BLUE to show support for our Veterans
Wear RED, WHITE & BLUE to show support for our Veterans
Tuesday, Nov. 12: Day 1
Lunch:#1 - Cheeseburger
#2 - Pepperoni Pizza Pasta Bake
Wednesday, Nov. 13: Day 2
Lunch:#1 - Chicken Fajita Taco
#2 - Cheese Quesadilla
Thursday, Nov. 14: Day 3
Lunch:#1 - Muffin & Goldfish Fun Lunch
#2 - Egg, Ham & Cheese Waffle Sandwich
Friday, Nov. 15: Day 4
#1 - Pizza Dippers
#2 - Pizza Burger
#1 - Pizza Dippers
#2 - Pizza Burger
Upcoming Events/Days Off:
- November 19, 21 & 22 Fall Conferences
- November 26 - PAC Meeting 6-7 pm
Quinney / KASD Wear Holiday Sale

November Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences dates are around the corner on November 19, 21, and 22. Parents can sign up for a conference time online with Sign-Up Genius. Click here to sign-up for a conference time - look for your teachers' tab (15 tabs for 15 classroom teachers) to sign up.
www.signupgenius.com/tabs/ 23677D705AECAEAC60- 2019conferences
If you need assistance with signing up, you may call the Quinney office at 766-6116 ext. 1 and our administrative assistant will be glad to help you. Office hours are from 7:30-4:00, Monday-Friday.
One Hour to Help Our School
We seeking volunteers to work one hour openings at our Scholastic Book Fair during the upcoming November Parent/Student/Teacher conferences. We need volunteers from our families to be able to have the fair open during all conference times. The physical work/set-up will be done in advance...it will be all set up and ready for kids to explore the books Scholastic is offering! We just need a few parent bodies to be present and act as cashiers for our book shopping kids and their families! Please note that each time slot is only one hour long. Just an hour of your time before or after your conference would mean a lot to our school! Thanks for considering!https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0C45AFA72AA4FD0-fall1
Donating for Teacher Meals for Parent Teacher Conferences
Each year the PAC provides dinner for our teachers during conferences to show our appreciation for all of their hard work, especially the extra time they put into preparing for, and participating in, Parent Teacher Conferences. Your monetary, food and supply donations are greatly appreciated in helping us make this dinner a success. Please consider bringing a item; simply click the links below to sign up to help.
To sign up to volunteer to help with meals for teachers click the links below --
Again, we thank all families for their help in all the fundraising efforts of the PAC as those funds provide the ability to purchase these useful items for our students and teachers. The PAC is currently planning multiple small restaurant nights for families to choose from and then ONE BIG FUNDRAISER for the school again, the third annual Color Run/Basket Raffle. Please watch for more news later in the year about that great school and family event that raises funds for the events such as the Matt Wilhelm Assembly in January, the books for students, cookies for the family event, the alternative seating items, and more.
To sign up to volunteer to help with meals for teachers click the links below --
- November 19 VanAbel's Sign Up
- November 21 Potato Bar Sign Up
PAC Meeting - Monday, Nov. 25
Join us for our next PAC Meeting on Monday, November 25th, 6-7 pm. So far this year we have been able to purchase alternative seating scoop seats for 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms. We purchased a Stuart Little book for each student, have scheduled to Stuart Little movie on the big inflatable FunFlicks screen for December, set fundraising events for the year, and more. Our Tom's Drive-in night raised $240.14. Thank you for attending EQ families and friends!!!
Thank you also goes out to the PAC and families for funding the various school projects that go back to our students!
Thank you also goes out to the PAC and families for funding the various school projects that go back to our students!