Week at a Glance:
Monday, Sept. 9: Day 5
#1 - Chicken Nuggets
#2 - Mushroom & Swiss Burger
#2 - Mushroom & Swiss Burger
- WI Forward Assessment scores goes home today (4th grade only)
- Quinney Wear Day - wear any EQ shirt, Kaukauna shirt, or orange/black
- 2nd Gr Bus Cool Tool
Tuesday, Sept. 10: Day 6
#1 - Spaghetti w/Italian Meat Sauce
#2 - Sunbutter & Banana Pizza
#2 - Sunbutter & Banana Pizza
Wednesday, Sept. 11: Day 1
#1 - Nachos
#2 - Cheese Quesadilla
#1 - Nachos
#2 - Cheese Quesadilla
- What Went Well Wednesday?
- MAP testing begins today!
- Lioness Vision Screening today!
- Kaukauna Community/Activity Fair, 5-7 pm, River View Middle
Thursday, Sept. 12: Day 2
#1 - Strawberry Parfait w/Granola
#2 - Turkey & Cheese Sandwich
- Lioness Vision Screening continues today!
#2 - Turkey & Cheese Sandwich
- Lioness Vision Screening continues today!
Friday, Sept. 13: Day 3
#1 - Mini Corn Dogs
#2 - BBQ Shredded Pork Sandwich
#2 - BBQ Shredded Pork Sandwich
Upcoming Events/Days Off:
Tuesday, September 24: Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) 6-7 pm in LMC
Friday, October 4: NO SCHOOL
Friday, October 4: NO SCHOOL
How are your conversations at home about school going? What Went Well Wednesday is Electa Quinney's effort to help our families experience rich conversations about school and continue to encourage a growth mindset for our students.
With many of us as parents as well, we realize the impacts daily schedules and activities have on our children, parents, and families as a whole. We know that "research...reveals...: that parents, of all backgrounds, don’t need to buy expensive educational toys or digital devices for their kids in order to give them an edge. They don’t need to chauffeur their offspring to enrichment classes or test-prep courses. What they need to do with their children is much simpler: talk." We know that our parents want to be involved in their child’s development and schooling; and, we know that a positive attitude and a growth mindset help students be successful.
We hope having no homework on Wednesday's other than to reflect and discuss what has gone well at school will bring a positive light to your conversations at home and what students are sharing about school.
Kaukauna Community Activity Fair
Date: September 11, 2019Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Please join us for this night for families with students in grades 4K-8th grade to gain information on the community activities (clubs, sports, organizations) available to their student(s).
The event will be held in the River View Middle School Commons/Cafeteria - 101 Oak St., Kaukauna, WI 54130
Here are some of the groups scheduled to attend: Kaukauna Running Club, Kaukauna Youth Baseball, Girls Scouts, Whiteheads Martial Arts Academy, YMCA Fox Cities, Kaukauna Wrestling, Kaukauna Public Library, Gymnastics, AP Vaulting Club, Kaukauna Recreation Department, Kaukauna Girls Basketball Association, Fox Valley Mindful Learners, and more!
Background Checks Timeline
Background checks which are older than 6 years old were removed from Infinite Campus this summer. These volunteers will need to complete another background check form to be considered for volunteering again. The process takes a minimum of two weeks, so if you are interested in chaperoning, check early!
Guidelines for Picking Up After School
If your child is picked up after school, they will be waiting near the picnic tables on the playground near the corner of the school where there will be supervision until 3:20 PM. In the event that you are late, for the safety of your child, the supervisor will bring them into the office so that you can be contacted.
Leaving for Appointments & Phone Calls During the Day
If your child has an appointment that requires them to leave during the school day, please include a note in the agenda planner. Having the information in the morning will help have your child ready in a timely manner when you arrive to pick them up. When you arrive to pick up your child, please come into the office to sign them out. Your child will be called down at that time, we do not allow students to wait in the lobby for their safety.
Your phone calls are important to us! When calling during the school day, please be aware that you may be transferred to the staff member's voicemail if it is during instructional time. We work hard to avoid interrupting instructional time if at all possible. If an immediate message is needed, please let the office staff know and that message will be delivered via note/in person to the staff member.
Thank you for understanding!
Community Events and Activity Flyers
There are a great many worthy undertakings in the Kaukauna Area School District that understandably deserve public support. The Board of Education/School District assist with this process in providing notice to students and/or families of certain non-school-related community activities/programs that are for public school-age students (that apply and meet policy conditions). Click here or visit the school district website to view the up to date list of events and flyers.Nominate Your Teacher or Principal