Week at a Glance:
Monday, March 18: Day 3
#1 - Personal Galaxy Pepperoni Pizza
#2 - Roasted Turkey on a Bun
#2 - Roasted Turkey on a Bun
Tuesday, March 19: Day 4
Wednesday, March 20: Day 5
#1 - Hot Dog on a Bun
#2 - Italian Chicken Parmesan Sandwich
#1 - Hot Dog on a Bun
#2 - Italian Chicken Parmesan Sandwich
Thursday, March 21: Day 6
#1 - Macho Nachos
Friday, March 22:
Upcoming Dress Up Days:
March 27 - Pajama/Stuffed Animal Day
April 4 - Career Day! Dress like the career you are most thankful for or what you would like to become.
Rescheduled Family Event - April 11
(rescheduled from February 19th)
Mark your calendar for our rescheduled Family Night - Thursday, April 11th. Keep your mind and body sharp at our EQ Family Event from 5:30-7:00. Our Kids Heart Challenge (prev. Jump Rope for Heart) will take place and include 20+ centers/stations set up in both gyms for kids and parents. In keeping our mind healthy and sharp we will have fun with rock painting. More information to come. Mark your calendar!
Upcoming Dress Up Days:
March 27 - Pajama/Stuffed Animal Day
April 4 - Career Day! Dress like the career you are most thankful for or what you would like to become.
Rescheduled Family Event - April 11
(rescheduled from February 19th)

Summer School - 2019
Before we know it Summer School registration will be here. Registration starts on Sunday, March 31st at 2:00 p.m. Feel free to keep referring back to the Summer School Website to stay up-to-date:
Click here for 2019 Summer School Information
Thank You
Thank you from the Electa Quinney staff for attending parent/student/teacher conferences this month. Education extends beyond the school door and our teachers appreciate the opportunity to discuss your children and their work with you parents. Open lines of communication between school and home is very important for student success. Working together helps students get the most out of their educational experiences. Thank you for caring so much!Scholastic Book Fair
Thank you to Jessica Hurst for her hard work during the Book Fair. Thank you to the parents that helped nurture the love of books with their child! TheBook Fairs are always a busy place during conferences! Happy Reading!
**If you are interested in chairing or co-chairing the Scholastic Book Fairs for the 2019-20 School Year, please contact the office.**