Sunday, March 10, 2019

March 11-15, 2019

Week at a Glance:

Monday, March 11: Day 4

#1 - Chicken Patty on a Bun
#2 - Tater Tot Casserole

Tuesday, March 12:  Day 5

#1 - French Toast Sticks w/Sausage Patty
#2 - Turkey Ham, Egg & Cheese Bagel

  • Doodle for Google Deadline Today - Forms to Mrs. Siegel

Wednesday, March 13:   Day 6

#1 - Beef Nachos
#2 - Beef & Bean Chili

Thursday, March 14:   Day 1

#1 - Mini Corn Dogs
#2 - Rotini & Cheese

Friday, March 15:   Day 2

#1 - Pizza Dippers
#2 - Cheeseburger on a Bun

  • Spirit Dress-up Day -- Green/Leprechaun Day!

Manner March 4-15:

Opening and holding a door for others

Summer School - 2019

Before we know it Summer School registration will be here.  Registration starts on Sunday, March 31st at 2:00 p.m.  Feel free to keep referring back to the Summer School Website to stay up-to-date:

Click here for 2019 Summer School Information

Be Safe with Our Children

Please be cautious during our beginning and end of day drop off/pick up times. We want all
students and adults to be safe coming and leaving school. Some reminders to focus on:

  • Students may be dropped off as early as 7:35 a.m.  Supervision begins at 7:35 a.m. and on days when the temperature or wind chill is below 0, students will be welcomed inside at 7:35 a.m.
  • The side of the street closest to school on Sullivan Avenue is Hug-n-Go.  Another great drop off area is on Ann Street on the side of the street closest to school.  
  • Please do not speed around the line of cars, but be cautious as children are present in and around cars.
  • Be aware of our crosswalk areas as a driver and slow down to look twice at these areas

Wisconsin Forward Spring State Assessment

The Wisconsin Forward Exam will be administered to 4th graders at Electa Quinney beginning the week of March 21st.  3rd graders will begin the assessment the week of April 1st.  We will share more specific dates with you in the coming weeks.

The Forward Exam will be administered online and be given to:

  • Grades 3 in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics,
  • Grades 4  in English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics, Science and, Social Studies
There are sample or practice test questions available for students. An Online Tools Training (OTT) is available for students at: The OTT is intended to give students the opportunity to practice with tools available on the Forward Exam, as well as allow them to familiarize themselves with the testing platform. The OTT is not scored, nor is it intended to provide practice on the test content. Students will be exploring these tools and training at school prior to testing.

Accommodations and supports for students with disabilities and/or English language learners are built into the system so that the progress of students can be accurately measured.

The estimated time for the test administration in each grade is approximately 2 hours and 20 minutes for ELA, 1 hour and 45 minutes for Mathematics, 1 hour and 40 minutes for Science, and 1 hour and 30 minutes for Social Studies. These are estimated times, as the WI Forward Exam is not a timed test so students work at their own pace.

If you have any questions or concerns about the new assessment, please contact the office.