7-13: Fire Prevention Week12: International Walk to School Day
23-31: Red Ribbon Week
22: “Teaming Up Against Drugs is NO SWEAT!”
Wear your favorite Sweats and/or Team Apparel!
23: “SOCK it to drugs...say NO!” -- Wear Crazy SOCKS!
24: “Red Day!” “Be United Against Drugs!”
Deck yourself out in Red apparel!
25/26: NO SCHOOL
1: Picture Retake Day13/15: P-T-S Conferences/Book Fair 4:00-7:30 PM
16: 1/2 Day of School - 11:30 AM Dismissal
P-T-S Conferences/Book Fair 12:30-4:00 PM
21-23: NO SCHOOL
27: PAC Meeting at 6:00 PM
Fire Prevention Week
This year, Fire Prevention Week is October 7-13. The Kaukauna Fire Department uses the entire month to work with classroom teachers with instruction. This year’s theme is “LOOK, LISTEN, LEARN, be aware, fire can happen anywhere”. Each grade level will have the opportunity to have a visit in the classroom.Red Ribbon Week
National Red Ribbon Week is dedicated to making our schools a bully free and drug free place! Classes will be talking more about red ribbon week in guidance lessons during the month of October with Miss. Duda!Red Ribbon Week Dress up days are October 22nd - 24th. Students can join in the prevention spirit and dress-up in the themes below:
- Monday, October 22nd
- “Teaming Up Against Drugs is NO SWEAT!”
- Wear your favorite Sweats and/or Team Apparel!
- Tuesday, October 23rd
- “SOCK it to drugs...say NO!”
- Wear Crazy SOCKS!
- Wednesday, October 24th
- “Red Day!” “Be United Against Drugs!”
- Deck yourself out in Red apparel!

November Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences dates are around the corner on November 13, 15, and 16. Parents can sign up for a conference time online with Sign-Up Genius. We will send the information via a E-mail message from Parent Portal and also a paper note with the link information. The information will be sent before Oct. 24th.
Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) News
Greetings EQ parents! Please consider joining us at our next gathering on Tuesday, November 27 at 6:00 PM. Come and share your ideas as we plan events and fundraisers for our school year! We are also looking for help with a number of our continuing programs including Box Tops (much can be completed from home) and Scholastic Book Fair.
You can always view our latest PAC minutes in the Get Involved area of our school website or by clicking here.
Also remember to save and send in your box tops as an easy way to help earn $ for Quinney!
Background Checks Timeline
Background checks which are older than 6 years old were removed from Infinite Campus this summer. These volunteers will need to complete another background check form to be considered for volunteering again. The process takes a minimum of two weeks, so if you are interested in chaperoning or volunteering, check early!
Picking Your Child Up Afterschool?
All children being picked up leave school via the playground blacktop area to meet parents/guardians. If your child is has a short wait for pick-up after school, we have the students wait near the picnic tables on the playground near the corner of the school where there will be supervision until 3:20 PM. In the event that you are late, for the safety of your child, the supervisor will bring them into the office so that you can be contacted.
Leaving for Appointments & Phone Calls During the Day
If your child has an appointment that requires them to leave during the school day, please include a note in the agenda planner. Having the information in the morning will help have your child ready in a timely manner when you arrive to pick them up. When you arrive to pick up your child, please come into the office to sign them out. Your child will be called down at that time, we do not allow students to wait in the lobby for their safety.
Your phone calls are important to us! When calling during the school day, please be aware that you may be transferred to the staff member's voicemail if it is during instructional time. We work hard to avoid interrupting instructional time if at all possible. If an immediate message is needed, please let the office staff know and that message will be delivered via note/in person to the staff member.
Thank you for understanding!
4th Grade Students & Parents - 5th grade BAND
Next year when you are in 5th grade, you will be able to participate in our district's band program so we want to make you aware of a change in our beginning band recruitment process. Students who are interested in being part of the percussion section will be expected to have at least 1 year of piano lessons. If you need information about local piano instructors or have questions about the band program, please feel free to contact Julia Langenhuizen (5th & 6th Grade Band Instructor) at River View Middle School (766-6111 x4183 or
Keeping you informed about the Electa Quinney "News"
We are looking at some possible updates in how we share the "Quinney News" with our families. We would like to better understand our how to best share content and information with you. Please click here to complete this 3 question survey!