May 8: 8:00-4:30 Grade 4 to Madison
May 14: 5:30-7:00 Board Meeting
May 16: Twin Day!
May 22: 6:00-7:00 PAC Meeting (not May 21st)
May 22: 6:00-7:00 PAC Meeting (not May 21st)
May 23: 4th Graders Visit River View
May 24: Disney Day!
KHS Tour of Graduates
May 24: Disney Day!
KHS Tour of Graduates
May 25 & 28: NO SCHOOL

1/2 DAY, 11:30 DISMISSAL

Library Catalog:
Library Web Site:
It is hard to believe, but the end of the year is almost upon us! Please make note of some important end-of-year dates and help your student locate and return their library materials on time.
Second Grade: Second graders learned about being safe when online. They learned what information was private and should never be shared, and what information was personal and okay to share. Our digital footprint is there forever! Second graders will complete the year with a research project on Insects. Focus will be on Trash and Treasure note-taking.

Third Grade: Third graders used Google Drawing and Google Keep to create posters. The poster had word art, images, and text from a topic they selected to read about from PowerKnowledge. They will finish the school year with an author study on Jon Scieszka.

Fourth Grade: Fourth graders practiced a new form of note taking, boxes and bullets using Google Keep. We even added an extension to our Chrome accounts so we could take notes while reading a web site!
Second graders created the “opposite” project from their concert project. Those that painted a “hot dog” or “cool cat,” then created the “Pop Art Self-Portrait,” and those that created the self-portrait, then painted the dog or cat.
Third graders finished a “playing card portrait” by drawing on styrofoam, printing with white paint on black paper, and coloring with Twistables in the primary colors. Cut paper or Sharpies finished the project as students added the letter and suit of their card.
By the end of the year, second and third graders will have created a textured bird watercolored with 2 primary colors to form a secondary color, and will also learn about geometric and organic shapes while created cubes to make a large optical illusion to decorate the school for the summer!
Fourth graders are busy yarn weaving! They wrapped their cardboard loom with string for the warp and wove with yarn. Students then were creative in making their weaving into an original creation: bags, flags, birds, landscapes, animals, and more. Before the end of the year, students will also learn about perspective drawing in forming a gallery. They will research all of their artworks uploaded on Artsonia from their time at Quinney, and then will add drawings of some into their gallery! Keep drawing and being creative, 4th graders! I will miss you next year!
SKETCHBOOKS AND ART SHIRTS: All sketchbooks and art shirts will come home after the last art class. Keep drawing over the summer! Art shirts can be reused next year!

The birthday composer for the month of April was Barbra Streisand. She is a living actress, singer, and composer. The song "Evergreen, " which she composed and recorded, won both an Oscar and a Grammy. She still performs today. We heard her perform the song "Evergreen" and also watched her sing a song called "Don't Rain on My Parade" from the musical "Funny Girl." For the month of May our birthday composer will be the folk song singer/writer, Bob Dylan.
In second grade we were introduced to the half note in the song "Frere Jacques." We learned to sing the song in French and English, and learned an ostinato that we also played on the bells. This song also gave us our first opportunity to practicing singing in a round! We learned the dotted half note in the song "Take Me Out to the Ballgame." The second graders will also have a "voice check" coming up in May (an opportunity for me to assess their voices in small groups).
In third grade we were introduced to "staff vocabulary" this month. We are learning terms such as treble clef, measure, bar line, time signature, and others to help us become proficient music readers as we prepare to play the recorder next year. The third graders continue to study the string family, and this month we focused on the instruments featured in a bluegrass band (banjo, mandolin, guitar, fiddle, and string bass). We read a fun book by Steve Martin, called Late for School. Martin turned this book into a bluegrass song featuring the banjo. We also got to see a recording of a bluegrass band performance. We had fun learning two songs in Swahili with the book, The Laughing River, which also featured some cool percussion sounds! One of our favorite songs to sing this month was an old folk song called "Oh Susanna," which reinforces the verse/refrain form.
In fourth grade we finished up our study of the percussion family. We have now studied all 4 families of instruments, as students prepare to choose an instrument to play in the band or orchestra at River View next year. Watch for information to come home in September which will give the details about signing up for band or orchestra in 5th grade. We have so many great musicians, I hope to see many of them continuing their instrument studies well past our 4th grade recorder skills!
Speaking of recorder, the 4th graders each completed their own 4 measure recorder compositions as well this month. They also performed their compositions for the class. One of our favorite songs to sing in April was "Fifty Nifty," which requires us to sing all fifty states in alphabetical order! We got to learn about 1st and 2nd endings in this song as well.
Second through fourth grade students have been working on the skills associated with the game of basketball. They have been doing a great job working on their dribbling, passing, lay-ups, shooting, and defense. They learned the acronym for shooting a basketball is B.E.E.F. (Bend knees, Elbow at 90 degrees, Eyes on the basket, and Follow through) Quiz your kids to see if they remember BEEF! With the nice weather, we will be going outside a lot from now until the end of the school year.
We finished up tumbling with 4th grade creating a routine that needed to include a roll, balance, and jump. It was fun watching them challenge themselves to create something that had good flow and was 100% their creation. 2nd and 3rd grade finished up tumbling with creating as well. They worked together in groups to create a obstacle course using different mats and equipment. Groups had to work together to make something fun and safe for their classmates to enjoy! I have gotten great ideas for set up for the next year by seeing what some groups created!
We ended April with a short Hockey unit. May will bring another short unit, DANCE! I love this unit! While some students will grumble in the beginning, at the end I have everyone having fun and cutting a rug with a big smile:) All levels will finish out the year with kickball and track and field games! I can’t believe this year has gone as fast as it has! I have LOVED every minute!
This spring, the Kaukauna Area School District will again initiate a voluntary 4K screening on June 1st, June 4th and June 5th. Registration packets have been sent home to eligible 4K (those who will be 4 on or before September 1, 2018) students. In order to plan for classroom and staffing needs, it is crucial that we receive this information as soon as possible. Children not yet school age that may have delays or other difficulties are also eligible to be screened at this time to help determine if development testing/special services might be needed. Parents with specific developmental concerns may contact Lisa Sheppard anytime at 766-6150.
Parents often wonder if their child’s functioning is within normal expectations for their age. While no two children are alike in their skill development or social functioning, the following guidelines may be helpful:

1/2 DAY, 11:30 DISMISSAL

So this is it! The culmination of an amazing year at Electa Quinney. Who knew, as we watched the students enter the building for the first time this year, what strides they would make? We have many days of learning remaining and a few very fun events in store. May 31st will be our second annual Color Run. This is a super fun event that started last year! The benefit to this fundraiser is that it is also a super way to bring our school community together for a fun evening! We hope you can join us for part of the time or the entire evening! Students also will participate in Field Day the morning of June 5th. We are altering the format slightly so all students will experience the event at one time rather than grade level times. Thank you to the PAC for all of their support with these great things! Thank you, parents and students, for making this an amazing school year!
Mark your calendar for May 31! Registration begins at 5:30 PM with the run starting at 6:00 PM. Come join in the fun of our second annual Color Run!
If you have not already done so, I encourage you to sign-up for a Parent Portal account. This account will be necessary throughout your child's educational career to complete registrations, view schedules, pay fees, and more. Click here for directions on how to do this.A NOTE FROM CHARTWELLS
With the end of the school year fast approaching we ask that you take note of your child/children’s lunch account balance. Accounts will have to be brought up to date by the end of the school year. If we do not receive payment by Tuesday, June 12th, 2018, and the account balance is more than a $20.00 negative it will be sent to the Kaukauna Area School District Collection Agency.
If you choose to let your child/children’s lunch account balance go below the $5.00 mark because of the end of the year, please remember the Kaukauna Area School District Messenger Service will continue to contact you. This is an automated service and cannot be turned off.
Remember to make each day a safe and healthy one!
If you choose to let your child/children’s lunch account balance go below the $5.00 mark because of the end of the year, please remember the Kaukauna Area School District Messenger Service will continue to contact you. This is an automated service and cannot be turned off.
Remember to make each day a safe and healthy one!
PLEASE NOTE: Every year, all volunteer background checks which are older than 6 years old are removed from permissions in Infinite Campus. Volunteers will need to complete another background check form to be considered for volunteering again. Please remember that once completed, and turned in, to watch for an email from Diversified to complete the application. Finally, the process takes a minimum of two weeks, so if you are interested in chaperoning, check early!
Supply lists for 2018-2019 will be sent home with progress reports on the last day of school. They will also be available on our website and on file at area stores during the summer.
If you are moving over the summer months, please don’t forget to let us know! We will be sending a Back to School postcard out in August and want to make sure you are up on all the latest news!
Students are automatically rolled up for attendance next year at the elementary level. There is no need to register once enrolled. If changes were identified on the School Confirmation Form (and approved) or an address change shared, your child will be enrolled at their assigned school if within the Kaukauna Area School District.
We will begin using an online registration system soon to update all of your school information. If you do not yet have a Parent Portal account, take the time to get one now to be ahead of the process.
We will begin using an online registration system soon to update all of your school information. If you do not yet have a Parent Portal account, take the time to get one now to be ahead of the process.
The last Library checkout day will be May 9 (day 6-end of rotation). In order for the library staff to conduct their annual inventory of materials, ALL BOOKS WILL BE DUE ON FRIDAY, MAY 18. Library Skills classes and Library Story Time will run through Tuesday, May 29. Please help your child in returning their books prior to that date. Mrs. Wolf will send out notices regarding replacement fees and fines after that date.
Kaukauna High School
1701 County Road CE
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (some classes may run past this time, but no transportation will be available)
NOTE: Classes will also be on Fridays
- Payment is due at the time of registration.
- The Summer School Software requires payment in order to complete the registration. Therefore, your child will not be registered in a course if payment is not made online via debit/credit card.
- If you need to pay with cash or check please come to the district office to register.
- If you have a financial hardship and are unable to pay the full fee, please contact Erin Kape at the District Office at: 920-766-6100 ext. 2002 or prior to registering.
- Refunds will be issued until Friday, May 18. After the closing of the window on May 18, no fees will be refunded.
Open House:
We will be hosting an Open House on Monday June 11, from 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. The Summer School Leadership Team and Student Volunteers will be available to assist students and parents in locating classrooms and answer questions. Please note that teachers will not be present during the Open House.
Registration Dates:
Sunday, March 18: Summer School Registration begins at 2:00 p.m.
Friday, May 18: Summer School Registration closes at 12:00 p.m.
Link to register: This summer, we will be using a new Registration Software. Please watch for more information in the next couple of weeks surrounding the registration process.
Course Catalog: It is located on the Kaukauna Area School District Summer School website at:
For any questions please contact:
Erin Kape
Phone: 920-766-6100 Ext. 2002
NEW THIS YEAR! All community flyers will be found on the district web page. Click here to access information about the following events/activities...
- The Great Bunny Train
- Safety Town Flyer
- ARTgarage Youth Summer Camp Flyer
- Best Friends Bike Tour Flyer
- YMCA Camp Nan A Bo Sho Flyer
- YMCA Before and After School Flyer
- UW Extension Summer Camp
- Kaukauna Public Library Summer Reading Programs
- Electric City Youth Soccer - 3 and 4 year olds
- Appleton Boychoir Audition Flyer
- Kaukauna Girls Summer Volleyball Camp
- Youth Flag Rugby - Grades 1 - 7
Anyone requesting flyer distribution at the elementary level should submit an electronic copy to the district office, attention Erin Kape at for consideration two weeks prior to the first of each month. Click here or visit the school district website to view the up to date list of events and flyers.
Library Web Site:
It is hard to believe, but the end of the year is almost upon us! Please make note of some important end-of-year dates and help your student locate and return their library materials on time.
Last rotation students can check out: May 2-9
All materials due: May 18th
Looking for ideas for summer reading? Check out the summer reading lists by clicking in the image above.Third Grade: Third graders used Google Drawing and Google Keep to create posters. The poster had word art, images, and text from a topic they selected to read about from PowerKnowledge. They will finish the school year with an author study on Jon Scieszka.
SKETCHBOOKS AND ART SHIRTS: All sketchbooks and art shirts will come home after the last art class. Keep drawing over the summer! Art shirts can be reused next year!
Each school in the Kaukauna Area School District will have ten artist’s works framed and displayed at the Kaukauna Public Library from May 7-31. There will be a student reception on May 8th from 4:30-6:00 PM. All are welcome!
(for the homerooms of Ebben, McKinnon, Dercks, and Rosenbeck)
The birthday composer for the month of April was Barbra Streisand. She is a living actress, singer, and composer. The song "Evergreen, " which she composed and recorded, won both an Oscar and a Grammy. She still performs today. We heard her perform the song "Evergreen" and also watched her sing a song called "Don't Rain on My Parade" from the musical "Funny Girl." For the month of May our birthday composer will be the folk song singer/writer, Bob Dylan.

Speaking of recorder, the 4th graders each completed their own 4 measure recorder compositions as well this month. They also performed their compositions for the class. One of our favorite songs to sing in April was "Fifty Nifty," which requires us to sing all fifty states in alphabetical order! We got to learn about 1st and 2nd endings in this song as well.
2nd grade
The 2nd graders started the month out with a little relaxation after their concert at the end of March. They watched a fun, musical video called Sillyville. Then they learned several songs to celebrate Earth Day. Some of them include: It’s Easy Bein’ Green where they divided into two groups to sing different parts, Clean Up Our Earth where they enjoyed playing rhythm sticks and eggs shakers to the beat and rhythms of the music, She’s Our Planet, and Clean Up the Earth.
3rd grade
The 3rd graders worked on several songs during April to celebrate Earth Day. Some of them include: My Planet, Your Planet, It’s Easy Bein’ Green, What Would You Do With A Water Waster, It’s Up To Us, and Clean Up The Earth. They had fun and were very creative in creating movements for several sections of the songs.
4th grade
The 4th graders continued with their recorders in April. We have learned all of the belts now in the recorder Karate program. Some kids are very close to earning their black belt Way to go! They also took some time to compose their own piece for recorder. When they finished their compositions, they shared them in class.

3rd grade
The 3rd graders worked on several songs during April to celebrate Earth Day. Some of them include: My Planet, Your Planet, It’s Easy Bein’ Green, What Would You Do With A Water Waster, It’s Up To Us, and Clean Up The Earth. They had fun and were very creative in creating movements for several sections of the songs.
4th grade


During the month of May, students will be introduced to the relationship between learning and work, realize the importance of good work habits (good attendance, doing your best, and following directions). Students enjoy sharing their developing interests, strengths and dreams. Students will think about potential careers and how they relate to their “job” as students.
Summer is just around the corner and that means more free time with the kiddos! As the age of technology infringes on our time and attention more and more, it is critical that we as adults, evaluate and monitor children’s screen time and provide plenty of alternative activities: outdoor play, creative art, sports and movement, nature exploration, etc.
Cut out these ideas into small slips and put them into a Summer Fun Jar! Pick one out randomly and try these fun activities with your kiddos all summer long!
As always, feel free to call me at 766-6100 Ext. 3309 with any questions or concerns.
Cut out these ideas into small slips and put them into a Summer Fun Jar! Pick one out randomly and try these fun activities with your kiddos all summer long!
- Sidewalk Chalk City with Cars and Trucks
- Bubble Fun…use pool noodles to chase and pop bubbles
- Nature Hunt….make a list of random nature items and provide a fun treat if all are found
- Scooter, Bike or Walk around the block
- Make an obstacle course in your backyard and race the timer
- Take a trip to a nearby park and enjoy the fun
- Sidewalk chalk flower garden
- Sidewalk chalk Rainbow Words…write as many words as you can that start with a specific letter, etc.
- Rock Math….go on a rock hunt and practice adding and subtracting using the rocks
- Rock Painting….go on a rock hunt and paint the rock with a positive message…hide it for someone to find and brighten their day
- Make a card or art project form someone who is sick or lonely
- Play Doh fun…create cool sculptures on the patio table outside…keeps the floor clean ☺
- Water fun…sprinklers, water squirters, etc.

As always, feel free to call me at 766-6100 Ext. 3309 with any questions or concerns.
Why should your child get immunized? The State of Wisconsin does require children in daycare facilities and schools to be immunized against certain contagious diseases. The purpose of this law is to prevent disease and suffering and any permanent disability resulting from the disease.
Additionally immunizing as many children as possible will help prevent the spread of these contagious diseases and in the long run extinguish these diseases completely; Smallpox is a good example of a disease that historically was commonly vaccinated for but is not longer is due to the fact that it has not be seen since the early 1980s.

The following is the required immunization schedule for children in the State of Wisconsin. As you can see there are additional immunizations that are needed when children begin their kindergarten and grade 6 school years.
The above is a guideline. There are some exceptions and also clarifications on this chart. More information can be found at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website or on the website for your local county public health department.
Please feel free to contact the nurse at your child’s school with any questions on immunization requirements.
Additionally immunizing as many children as possible will help prevent the spread of these contagious diseases and in the long run extinguish these diseases completely; Smallpox is a good example of a disease that historically was commonly vaccinated for but is not longer is due to the fact that it has not be seen since the early 1980s.
The following is the required immunization schedule for children in the State of Wisconsin. As you can see there are additional immunizations that are needed when children begin their kindergarten and grade 6 school years.
The above is a guideline. There are some exceptions and also clarifications on this chart. More information can be found at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services website or on the website for your local county public health department.
Please feel free to contact the nurse at your child’s school with any questions on immunization requirements.
4K Screening & Information

By one year, most children will do things such as:
Pull to a stand and walk with assistance.
Say one or two simple words (ma-ma, da-da, etc.).
Pick up small objects with thumb and first two fingers.
Drink from a cup when it is held for them.
Enjoy playing “peek-a-boo” or “patty cake”.
By two years, most children will do things such as:
Run reasonably well.
Use 2-3 word sentences (more juice, no go bye-bye, etc.).
Point to animals or objects in a book.
Bring a familiar object from another room when asked.
Play near other children, and use toys meaningfully.
By three years, most children will do things such as:
Dress self with minimal help.
Speak in short sentences.
Nest objects of different sizes, and match objects by color.
Imitate lines and circles on paper.
Begin to play with other children.
By four years, most children will do things such as:
Catch a large ball tossed underhand.
Ask many types of questions.
State full name and age when asked.
Copy a plus sign.
Enjoy pretend play with other children.
If you suspect that your child may have delays or other difficulties, you can arrange for a free screening to help determine if developmental testing and special services might be needed. Special school services can begin at the time of a child’s third birthday, and are provided at no cost to the
family. County services are available for infants and toddlers with special needs. Residents of the Kaukauna Area School District may contact Lisa Sheppard at 766-6150 for further information.