Sunday, September 24, 2023

September 25 - 29, 2023

Monday, Sept. 25, Day 3

Lunch Option 1: Hot Turkey Ham & Cheese Sandwich 
Lunch Option 2: BBQ Pork Stuffed Baked Potato 

Board of Education Meeting @ 5:30pm Board Room/KHS Library

Tuesday, Sept. 26, Day 4

Lunch Option 1: Soft Beef Taco 
Lunch Option 2: Beef Enchiladas 

Wednesday, Sept. 27, Day 5

School Spirit Wear Day Every Wednesday - Wear an Electa Quinney Shirt, Kaukauna Shirt, or Orange/Black! 

Lunch Option 1: Italian Meat Spaghetti 
Lunch Option 2: Hot Turkey & Cheese Bagel 

Thursday, Sept. 28, Day 6

Frances Willard Day

Lunch Option 1: Jumbo Crispy Chicken Tenders 
Lunch Option 2: English Muffin Egg Sandwich 

Friday, Sept. 29 - NO SCHOOL

Upcoming Events: 
Oct. 2 - 6 Homecoming Week 
Oct. 2 National Custodian Day
Oct. 4 EQ Walk to School Day! - More information coming home 9/25!!!
Oct. 4 3rd Grade Field Trip to the Grand Opera House
Oct. 9 Board of Education Meeting
Oct. 9 Vision Screening 
Oct. 9-13 Fire Prevention Week
Oct. 10 Picture Retake Day 
Oct. 16-20 National School Bus Safety Week
Oct. 23 Board of Education Meeting
Oct. 24 Tentative...EQ Family Night
Oct. 26 No School All Students 
Oct. 27 No School All Students 

Homecoming Oct. 2 - Oct. 6

Elementary Spirit Themes for Homecoming Week 2023 in KASD.

National Walk to School Day on Wednesday, Oct. 4!

How can students participate? 

BRING A SIGNED PERMISSION SLIP ON OCTOBER 4TH TO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TO PARTICIPATE (permission slips coming home on Monday, September 25th) - 

** Students who walk/bike to school on a daily basis bring a signed permission slip on Oct. 4 to get entered into a drawing for participation while adhering to their normal daily route. 

** Students can be dropped off/meet at one of the locations listed below with their signed permission slip between 7:15-7:20 a.m. on the morning of Oct. 4th to begin their walking route to school with a group from one of these Kaukauna locations- 

  • Jonen Park (on Fieldcrest; will use tunnel to cross CE)

  • Fieldcrest Park (corner of Main and Frances; will use tunnel to cross CE)

  • Little Tykes Tot Lot (corner of Joshua and Travis)

There will be supervision during the walk provided by Quinney staff.  

We will have have local leaders joining us at some of the times and locations for this event including Mayor Penterman, Kaukauna Police Department Officers, and Kaukauna Firefighters.

** Students who are bused to school and not able to meet at the locations to walk together to school or students who are unable to participate that morning, can walk the sidewalks bordering the playground during their lunch recess to show their participation in being active for health and recreation (permission slip will be their entry into the drawing).

THANK YOU -- Hug and Go Drop-Off

Thank you to all of our families for your help with doing "hug and go" drop off in the drop off area on Sullivan Avenue.  We appreciate your teamwork with this so as it makes it work efficiently when work together.   

WEST SIDE of SULLIVAN Avenue (along the playground) works most efficiently for all when used for HUG & GO drop off (blue dotted line on map).  When entering that HUG & GO area of Sullivan...
  • please pull forward as far as possible to allow for additional cars. Students exit the vehicle next to the sidewalk
  • once you have dropped off your child please exit the HUG & GO area in a timely manner
  • No parking or standing please
Additionally, THANK YOU for using CROSSWALKS to cross streets!  Crossing between cars of mid-street is DANGEROUS and we continue to re-teach students to use crosswalks for safety.
Click here for more arrival and dismissal information

Lunch Menu

Click here to view PDF.
The most up to date menu, including any changes, can be viewed at

Report and Absence/Appointment

Mark your calendar...

EQ Dine Out Night - Nov. 13th

Picture Retake Day

Picture re-take day will be held during school hours on Tuesday, October 10th. Picture re-take orders must be paid using this order form. There will not be a pre-paid link available. Orders will be sent to school within 2-3 weeks

If students had pictures taken during the initial picture day but you would like re-takes: Students must return the original packet of photos to the photographer on re-take day in order to receive a replacement photo package. 


PurposeFull Pursuit - RESPECT: 
    • PurposeFull Pursuit:
    • Find a time to sit in a circle together and celebrate all the ways you have
    • seen each other practice Respect. Take turns sharing responses to the
    • following prompts or make up your own! Remember to practice Respect as
    • you listen to each other.

    • Celebration Prompts:
    •      What family member(s) do you want to celebrate for their Respect?
      • Share about a time you practiced Respect by looking at a situation
      • from someone else’s point of view.

Community Events and Activity Flyers

There are a great many worthy undertakings in the Kaukauna Area School District that understandably deserve public support. The Board of Education/School District assist with this process in providing notice to students and/or families of certain non-school-related community activities/programs that are for public school-age students (that apply and meet policy conditions). Click here or visit the school district website to view the up to date list of events and flyers 

Saturday, September 16, 2023

September 18 - 22, 2023

Monday, Sept. 18, Day 4

Bridging Brighter Smiles 8:00am-3:00pm

Lunch Option 1: Chicken Nuggets 
Lunch Option 2: Tater Tot Casserole 

PAC Meeting 6:00pm-7:00pm in EQ LMC 

Tuesday, Sept. 19, Day 5

Safety Week: Fire Drill 

Lunch Option 1: Beef Nachos
Lunch Option 2: BBQ Rib-B-Q Sandwich 

Wednesday, Sept. 20, Day 6

School Spirit Wear Day Every Wednesday - Wear an Electa Quinney Shirt, Kaukauna Shirt, or Orange/Black! 

Wisconsin Day 

Safety Week: Hold-Lockdown-Evacuate Drill 

Lunch Option 1: Cheeseburger 
Lunch Option 2: Asian Chicken Salad 

Thursday, Sept. 21, Day 1

Safety Week: Tornado/Severe Weather Drill 

Lunch Option 1: Chicken Pasta Alfredo 
Lunch Option 2: Sunbutter & Jelly Pitta Dipper Meal 

Friday, Sept. 22, Day 2

Lunch Option 1: Cheese Stuffed Breadsticks 
Lunch Option 2: Home-Style Beef & Bean Chili

Upcoming Events: 
Sept. 25 Board of Education Meeting
Sept. 29 No School All Students 
Oct. 1 National Principals Month (#ThankaPrincipal)
Oct. 2 - 6 Homecoming Week 
Oct. 2 National Custodian Day
Oct. 4 EQ Walk to School Day! - More information to come!!!
Oct. 4 3rd Grade Field Trip to the Grand Opera House
Oct. 9 Board of Education Meeting
Oct. 9 Vision Screening 
Oct. 9-13 Fire Prevention Week
Oct. 10 Picture Retake Day 
Oct. 16-20 National School Bus Safety Week
Oct. 23 Board of Education Meeting
Oct. 24 EQ Family Night
Oct. 26 No School All Students 
Oct. 27 No School All Students 

It's School Safety Week!

The Kaukauna Area School District makes school safety a top priority. We practice safety drills on a regular basis which include fire, tornado, hold, lockdown and evacuation. All of our buildings are equipped with safe entrances and security cameras throughout. In light of unfortunate events that have happened throughout the world, we have adopted a philosophy with how we prepare students for the potential of having an intruder in our schools. ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) strategies provide students and staff with options to stay safe and make informed choices in a potential emergency situation. We have worked collaboratively with our School Resource Officers and the Kaukauna Police Department to provide training for staff with these strategies. To learn more about the ALICE strategies please visit the following webpage:

In recognition of the importance of practicing these drills early in the school year, the Kaukauna Area School District has established School Safety Week. To assist students with understanding all of our safety drills, strategies, and procedures, we have implemented the plan below:

Throughout the week, students will take part in the following activities:

  • 4K- Grade 4 students will listen to and discuss the book I’m Not Scared, I’m Prepared!  Because I Know All About ALICE by Julia Cook;

  • Students in Grades 5-8 will have an ALICE Safety Presentation in their homeroom class

  • Students in Grades 9-12 will have a ALICE Safety Presentation in Flex Time

  • All students will participate in a Fire Drill, a Tornado Drill, and Hold / Lockdown Drills

  • All students will participate in an Evacuation to Rally Points Drill (this will involve students and staff relocating to a location near their school, but off the school grounds). *If you do not give consent for your student to practice moving to the rally point with their teacher and classmates, please contact the principal.  KHS and RVMS will evacuate on campus only. 

Please know the intent of practicing these drills in September is to educate, to protect, and to stimulate conversation among teachers and students. Your student(s) will likely come home and share information with you as well.  If you should have any questions or concerns prior to the drills or following Safety Week, please contact our Principal, Stacy Knapp.



2023-2024 PAC MEETINGS:
Monday, Sept. 18th
Tuesday, Nov. 7th
Monday, Jan. 22nd
Tuesday, March 12th
Monday, April 29th
All PAC meetings are held at 6:00 pm in the Quinney LMC

All interested parents are encouraged to attend one meeting, two meetings, or as many that fit into your schedule.

Hug and Go Drop-Off

As we head into week three we are asking families and friends dropping off their student(s) at school to remember that the WEST SIDE of SULLIVAN Avenue (along the playground) works most efficiently for all when used for HUG & GO drop off (blue dotted line on map).  

When entering that HUG & GO area of Sullivan...
  • please pull forward as far as possible to allow for additional cars. Students exit the vehicle next to the sidewalk
  • once you have dropped off your child please exit the HUG & GO area in a timely manner
  • No parking or standing please
Additionally, THANK YOU for using CROSSWALKS to cross streets!  Crossing between cars of mid-street is DANGEROUS and we continue to re-teach students to use crosswalks for safety.
Click here for more arrival and dismissal information

Lunch Menu

Click here to view PDF.
The most up to date menu, including any changes, can be viewed at

School Store

Hello Quinney Families,

For the past few years, we have found a way to acknowledge students who continually show the Quinney BASE expectations (Safe, Respectful, Responsible) and the students and staff really enjoyed it! So we're going to implement it again this year! Character coins will be handed out to help praise students who are following the Quinney BASE expectations. Students can cash in 5 coins for 1 ticket to use in the school store to purchase something of their choice.  All staff in the building will pass out coins, classroom teachers will give tickets to students and show them the menu before going to the school store to redeem tickets.

Child Safety

Click here to view the letter in Spanish

Report and Absence/Appointment

Bridging Brighter Smiles

Picture Retake Day

Picture re-take day will be held during school hours on Tuesday, October 10th. Picture re-take orders must be paid using this order form. There will not be a pre-paid link available. Orders will be sent to school within 2-3 weeks

If students had pictures taken during the initial picture day but you would like re-takes: Students must return the original packet of photos to the photographer on re-take day in order to receive a replacement photo package. 


PurposeFull Pursuit - RESPECT: 
    • PurposeFull Pursuit:

      Review Respect as a family! Remember that in our lessons we are teaching that Respect means to see value in people and things and treat them with care. Agree as a family to set aside a certain time each day this week to unplug from devices and plug into family time. It shows Respect to practice being present in the moment without the distractions that can come from technology. Debrief and discuss this challenge afterward and commit to this practice at least 1 day each week!

      Conversation Starters:

      • How can you check to see if you understand someone else’s perspective?
      • Why is practicing perspective-taking important when trying to show someone Respect?

Helpful Links

Students thrive best when there are strong links between home and school. Therefore, Electa Quinney encourages regular and open communications between home and school. For environmental reasons, the school endeavors to have as much 'paperless' communication as possible. While the teachers maintain regular communications with parents regarding their individual child, the following channels are available for communications at the school level.

  • School Website:

    • On this site you will find School Calendar populated with school events and happenings

    • News, Announcements, and Links page that contains important links, information, handouts, or announcements that are particular to our school

  • Weekly Family Blog: sent via email weekly to keep you informed of school news and events as well as to  reflect on educational issues that affect your child

  • Parent Portal and Infinite Campus Messenger:  e-mails are sent with announcements and reminders to families that elect on their Parent Portal account  to receive Messenger emails.

  • Facebook: pictures, news reminders and information of our school days are posted on our Facebook page

  • Twitter:  @quinneycougars pictures, announcements, reminders, and more are shared via Twitter.

  • Instagram@quinneycougars pictures and more are shared via Instagram.

  • KASD website: portal of general information about the school district and connections to other programs/information.

  • School Events:  Parent-student- teacher conferences, open houses, performances and special events throughout the year that will communicate to you the learning experiences in the school

  • Emails (via Infinite Campus Parent Portal) and SMS text messages are also used to ensure timely communication of school affairs. Please ensure that you receive all electronic messages by assuring you have selected the ways you wish to be communicated with in your Parent Portal account and have updated all email addresses and phone information on the Parent Portal. 

Community Events and Activity Flyers

There are a great many worthy undertakings in the Kaukauna Area School District that understandably deserve public support. The Board of Education/School District assist with this process in providing notice to students and/or families of certain non-school-related community activities/programs that are for public school-age students (that apply and meet policy conditions). Click here or visit the school district website to view the up to date list of events and flyers 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

September 11 - 15, 2023

Monday, Sept. 11, Day 5

September 11 Observance Day

Lunch Option 1: Cheese Pizza Cruncher 
Lunch Option 2: Mushroom & Swiss Burger 

Board of Education Meeting @ 5:30pm Board Room/KHS Library

Tuesday, Sept. 12, Day 6

Lunch Option 1: Soft Beef Taco 
Lunch Option 2: Cheese Quesadilla 

Wednesday, Sept. 13, Day 1

School Spirit Wear Day Every Wednesday - Wear an Electa Quinney Shirt, Kaukauna Shirt, or Orange/Black! 

Lunch Option 1: Blueberry Bash Wafflers 
Lunch Option 2: Chicken Salad Sandwich 

 *EQ and KASD Online Apparel Stores closes at 11:59pm* 

Thursday, Sept. 14, Day 2

Lunch Option 1: Mini Turkey Corn Dogs 
Lunch Option 2: Chicken & Cheese Chef Salad

Friday, Sept. 15, Day 3

POW-MIA Recognition Day
First Day of Hispanic Heritage Month

Lunch Option 1: Macaroni & Cheese 
Lunch Option 2: Crispy Fish Sandwich w/ Cheese 

8:45-9:45 Celebration Assembly 

Upcoming Events: 

Sept. 18 - 22 School Safety Week 
Sept. 18 Bridging Brighter Smiles 
Sept. 18 PAC Meeting EQ LMC at 6:00PM
Sept. 25 Board of Education Meeting
Sept 29 No School All Students 

Hug and Go Drop-Off

As we head into week two we are asking families and friends dropping off their student(s) at school to remember that the WEST SIDE of SULLIVAN Avenue (along the playground) works most efficiently for all when used for HUG & GO drop off (blue dotted line on map).  

When entering that HUG & GO area of Sullivan...
  • please pull forward as far as possible to allow for additional carssStudents exit the vehicle next to the sidewalk
  • once you have dropped off your child please exit the HUG & GO area in a timely manner
  • No parking or standing please
Additionally, THANK YOU for using CROSSWALKS to cross streets!  Crossing between cars of mid-street is DANGEROUS and we continue to re-teach students to use crosswalks for safety.

Lunch Menu

Click here to view PDF.
The most up to date menu, including any changes, can be viewed at

School Store

Hello Quinney Families,

For the past few years, we have found a way to acknowledge students who continually show the Quinney BASE expectations (Safe, Respectful, Responsible) and the students and staff really enjoyed it! So we're going to implement it again this year! Character coins will be handed out to help praise students who are following the Quinney BASE expectations. Students can cash in 5 coins for 1 ticket to use in the school store to purchase something of their choice.  All staff in the building will pass out coins, classroom teachers will give tickets to students and show them the menu before going to the school store to redeem tickets.

Report a Daily Absence

We request that parents/guardians call the automated absence line at 759-6159, call Quinney school at 766-6116 or report the absence on your Parent Portal online account each day your child is unable to attend school. Please indicate the reason your child will not be at school. If your child will be absent due to illness, please include specific illness symptoms. Our Administrative Assistant will follow up on any unexcused absence according to the Student Attendance Policy #430. If a call or previous notification of an absence has not been received by 8:00 AM, you will be called to determine why your child is not in attendance. This will assure both you and the school that your child is safe.

Leaving for Appointments

If your child has an appointment that requires them to leave during the school day, please enter it in IC parent portal or include a note in the agenda planner. Having the information in the morning will help have your child ready in a timely manner when you arrive to pick them up. When you arrive to pick up your child, please come into the office to sign them out. Your child will be called down at that time, we do not allow students to wait in the lobby for their safety.

Bridging Brighter Smiles

Order your Quinney School Apparel - TODAY!

 We are offering a Quinney / KASD Wear sale through September 13thThe flyer can be viewed in color by clicking here. Families wishing to purchase Quinney or KASD Wear can make a purchase by clicking here to go directly to the Quinney School Spirit Eagle Graphics Online Store or click the link on the flyer if viewed online. The sale is open through for ordering through Wednesday, September 13th (apparel should arrive before KASD Homecoming on Oct. 6). We have EQ Spirit Wear day every Wednesday. Students are NOT required to have or wear EQ Wear, they are always welcome to wear anything orange, black, or KASD wear.

Picture Retake Day

Picture re-take day will be held during school hours on Tuesday, October 10th. Picture re-take orders must be paid using this order form. There will not be a pre-paid link available. Orders will be sent to school within 2-3 weeks

If students had pictures taken during the initial picture day but you would like re-takes: Students must return the original packet of photos to the photographer on re-take day in order to receive a replacement photo package. 

Join us for our PAC meeting!

Our Electa Quinney Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) is instrumental in providing enriching opportunities for all of our students. The Parent Advisory Committee is a group of parents/guardians with children attending Electa Quinney School who gather throughout the school year to discuss school activities, events and concerns about our school. Don't wait! Join us for one of our PAC meetings!

2023-2024 PAC MEETINGS:
Monday, Sept. 18th
Tuesday, Nov. 7th
Monday, Jan. 22nd
Tuesday, March 12th
Monday, April 29th
All PAC meetings are held at 6:00 pm in the Quinney LMC

All interested parents are encouraged to attend one meeting, two meetings, or as many that fit into your schedule.


PurposeFull Pursuit - RESPECT: 

A fun way to remind students to show Respect to others is to create a non-verbal cue. As a family, come up with a non-verbal way to cue your student to remember to show Respect to others. An example of this would be anytime you raise the “Respect Rooster” on your hand by closing the middle 2 fingers and bringing your pointer finger and pinky finger up, your student would be reminded to practice living out Respect.

Conversation Starters:

  • What is 1 way a family member has shown you Respect lately?
  • Share about a time you looked at a situation from someone else’s perspective.

PurposeFull Pursuit: KINDNESS 

Find a time to sit in a circle together and celebrate a Kind beginning of the school year! If you want, gather some favorite snacks and play some celebratory music for the occasion. Take turns sharing responses to the following prompts or make up your own! Remember to practice Kindness as you listen to each other.

Celebration Prompts:

  • What is 1 way a family member has shown you Kindness this week?
  • What is 1 way you want to grow in Kindness toward others this school year?

Helpful Links

Students thrive best when there are strong links between home and school. Therefore, Electa Quinney encourages regular and open communications between home and school. For environmental reasons, the school endeavors to have as much 'paperless' communication as possible. While the teachers maintain regular communications with parents regarding their individual child, the following channels are available for communications at the school level.

  • School Website:

    • On this site you will find School Calendar populated with school events and happenings

    • News, Announcements, and Links page that contains important links, information, handouts, or announcements that are particular to our school

  • Weekly Family Blog: sent via email weekly to keep you informed of school news and events as well as to  reflect on educational issues that affect your child

  • Parent Portal and Infinite Campus Messenger:  e-mails are sent with announcements and reminders to families that elect on their Parent Portal account  to receive Messenger emails.

  • Facebook: pictures, news reminders and information of our school days are posted on our Facebook page

  • Twitter:  @quinneycougars pictures, announcements, reminders, and more are shared via Twitter.

  • Instagram@quinneycougars pictures and more are shared via Instagram.

  • KASD website: portal of general information about the school district and connections to other programs/information.

  • School Events:  Parent-student- teacher conferences, open houses, performances and special events throughout the year that will communicate to you the learning experiences in the school

  • Emails (via Infinite Campus Parent Portal) and SMS text messages are also used to ensure timely communication of school affairs. Please ensure that you receive all electronic messages by assuring you have selected the ways you wish to be communicated with in your Parent Portal account and have updated all email addresses and phone information on the Parent Portal. 

Community Events and Activity Flyers

There are a great many worthy undertakings in the Kaukauna Area School District that understandably deserve public support. The Board of Education/School District assist with this process in providing notice to students and/or families of certain non-school-related community activities/programs that are for public school-age students (that apply and meet policy conditions). Click here or visit the school district website to view the up to date list of events and flyers