March 27 - Board of Education Meeting
March 28 - PTS Conferences 4:00-7:30 PM In Person - BOOK FAIR
March 30 - PTS Conferences 4:00-7:30 PM In Person - BOOK FAIR
March 31 - PTS Conferences 12:30-4:00 PM Virtual
March 31 - Early Release All Students @ 11:30 AM
April 3-7 - Spring Break All Students No School
April 10 - Board of Education Meeting
April 12 - GB Blizzards EQ Visit to Read
April 13 - Spring Fever/Beach Day - think spring and wear your brightest, boldest, beach clothes to school today!
April 17 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Henry Vilas Zoo (Herlache, Sprangers)
April 18 - Summer School Registration Opens at Noon
April 20 - 3rd Grade (Gill, McKinnon, Wiedenhaupt) Field Trip to Maritime Museum
April 21 - 3rd Grade (Gaines, Kiekhafer, Dercks) Field Trip to Maritime Museum
April 24 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Henry Vilas Zoo (Durrant, Cooksey, Baranczyk/Gostisha)
April 24 - Board of Education Meeting
April 26 - Sports/Jersey Day - Wear your favorite team attire
May 1 - School Principal's Day!
May 1-5 - Teacher Appreciation Week
May 2 - 2nd Grade (Mrs. VandeVoort & Mrs. Jozwiak) & 4th Grade (Mrs. Herlache & Mrs. Sprangers) Spring Concert
May 4 - 2nd Grade (Mrs. Owen, Mrs. Ritzke & Ms. VanAsten) Spring Concert
May 8 - 4th Grade (Mrs. Durrant, Mrs. Cooksey & Mrs. Baranczyk/Mrs. Gostisha) Spring Concert
May 18 - Quinney Family Color Run

Thank you for your support at the restaurant nights we have had this year and the Culver's card fundraiser. We appreciate you making the effort to participate in those events when it works for your family. We have had great success...
Tom’s on Oct. 25th - $182.47
Chipotle on Jan. 16th - $320.56
Culver’s Curds and Custard Cards - $7,940
Your participation and support have played an important role in what we are able to provide for students and our school's success—thank you. At the March PAC meeting we approved a teacher request from Evan Guell, PE Teacher to purchase of two Gaga Pits to be installed this summer on the playground in combination with the NDLC PSC.
Gaga is similar to dodgeball, with players being eliminated if they’re struck by the ball. But Gaga prohibits any strikes above the waist and requires attacking players to hit the ball with their hand, rather than throw it at opponents. Our students will be thrilled to have another activity to play with on the blacktop when the fall and spring days bring us a playground field that is too wet to play in. Thanks again for your support which helps us bring opportunities such as this to school for our students!
Wisconsin Forward Exam Testing
Each spring our students in grades 3 & 4 participate in the WI Forward Exam testing. The WI Forward Exam will begin this week and continue through April 28.
Tips for Parents
1. Make sure your child gets plenty of rest the night before test sessions.
2. On the morning of the test sessions, your child needs to get up in plenty of time so he/she won't feel rushed.
3. Feed your child a good breakfast. Research shows that children do better on tests if they have had a good breakfast.
4. Do as much as you can to make your child feel comfortable. Try not to say things to make him/her feel more nervous.
5. Reassure your child that no matter the outcome of the test you will still love him/her. Encourage them to simply do their best.

Kaukauna Future Strong Summit
You are invited to participate in the Future Strong Summit to help shape the future of the Kaukauna Area School District. The purpose of this 3-day event is to collaborate with our community to develop a clear strategic direction for the future of the Kaukauna Area School District. We need your voice and unique perspective to be heard!
The Future Strong Summit will be held on:
Wednesday, April 26
5:30 - 9:00 PM
Thursday, April 27
5:30 - 9:00 PM
Saturday, April 29
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Click here for more information and to RSVP!
Fang's Reading Program
The homerun base cutout is due to your child’s teacher on Friday, March 24th for those Electa Quinney students are participating in the Fang’s Reading Club with the Wisconsin Timber Rattlers!!!!
Students read their reading minutes to earn a free soda, hot dog and ticket voucher to Family Night at the Timber Rattler Game on Friday, May 12th at 6:40pm.
The reading program concludes on March 24th!
Spring Conferences - SIGN UP TODAY!

We are again using the "Sign-Up Genius" online system to schedule our Spring 22-23 Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences. Important to know this year when signing up is that each day is a bit different in "format"...
Tuesday, March 28th - IN PERSON conferences at EQ
Thursday, March 30th - IN PERSON conferences at EQ
Friday, March 31st - All Conferences will be VIRTUAL via Google Meets
Families should "sign-up" for a time either way so that you can have an uninterrupted time with your child's teacher.
IMPORTANT - When arriving at the linked website, FIRST click the TAB at the top of the page for the teacher/classroom you are wishing to schedule a conference.*
Once you have chosen the correct tab for the classroom/teacher, click Sign-Up next to the time you prefer from the available slots and then click Submit and Sign-up at the bottom of the page. This will bring up a box that will ask you for your student's name. You are not required to enter your email address or sign up for an account with Sign-Up Genius. However, if you do enter your e-mail information you will receive a reminder 1 day prior to the conference date. If you already have a Sign-Up Genius account, make that choice and enter your login information. *Please note that some parent student teacher conferences have already been scheduled with a teacher/specialist. If your child's teacher already called/e-mailed you to schedule a conference, disregard this message as our conference will already be held/listed on the site.
Once you are finished, click Sign Up Now, and the process is complete.
If you have any questions or are unable to access the internet to sign-up, please contact the Quinney Office Staff at 766-6116 or your child's classroom teacher.
Friday virtual conferences: Each teacher has a separate link for their Google Meets for conferences. You will be able to see the URL address for your child's teacher on the Sign-up Genius on the day that corresponds to your conference (Friday). On the day and at the time of your scheduled conference, copy and paste that URL address into your Internet browser.