Monday, Nov. 7, Day 2
8:35 - 10:45 4th Grade Field Trip to Grignon Mansion: Mrs. Durrant, Mrs. Baranczyk/Mrs. Gostisha & Mrs. Cooksey
Lunch: Walking Tacos
Book Character Day - dress as your favorite book character!
Thursday, Nov. 10 - Day 5
Friday, Nov. 11 - Day 6
November Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
Tuesday, November 15th - IN PERSON conferences at EQ
Thursday, November 17th - All Conferences will be VIRTUAL via Google Meets
Friday, November 18th - IN PERSON conferences at EQ
Families should "sign-up" for a time either way so that you can have an uninterrupted time with your child's teacher.
IMPORTANT - When arriving at the linked website, FIRST click the TAB at the top of the page for the teacher/classroom you are wishing to schedule a conference.*
Once you have chosen the correct tab for the classroom/teacher, click Sign-Up next to the time you prefer from the available slots and then click Submit and Sign-up at the bottom of the page. This will bring up a box that will ask you for your student's name. You are not required to enter your email address or sign up for an account with Sign-Up Genius. However, if you do enter your e-mail information you will receive a reminder 1 day prior to the conference date. If you already have a Sign-Up Genius account, make that choice and enter your login information. *Please note that some parent student teacher conferences have already been scheduled with a teacher/specialist. If your child's teacher already called/e-mailed you to schedule a conference, disregard this message as our conference will already be held/listed on the site.
Once you are finished, click Sign Up Now, and the process is complete.
If you have any questions or are unable to access the internet to sign-up, please contact the Quinney Office Staff at 766-6116 or your child's classroom teacher
Thursday virtual conferences: Each teacher has a separate link for their Google Meets for conferences. You will be able to see the URL address for your child's teacher on the Sign-up Genius on the day that corresponds to your conference (Thursday). On the day and at the time of your scheduled conference, copy and paste that URL address into your Internet browser.
Author in Residence a Success!
We hope your students enjoyed our week with Miranda Paul! We enjoyed an assembly together to start the week, then Writers Workshop sessions, and lastly publishing our poems and the Family Event! Click here to view photos from the week!
PurposeFull Pursuit:
What are some small, specific things that you are Grateful for? Maybe it is your favorite water cup, the way the cat sleeps on the chair, or when your grandma bakes banana bread. Spend some time as a family trying to think of at least 10 small things that you have Gratitude for and then choose to notice them this week with a smile.
Conversation Starters:
- Can you describe for me a time when you felt disappointed recently?
- Why is it important or helpful to practice Gratitude when we feel disappointed?