Monday, September 5, 2022

September 5 - September 9, 2022


*Our theme this school year is Growing & Glowing Together. Let's make it a great year!* 

Monday, Sept. 5

No School - Labor Day

Tuesday, Sept. 6, Day 3

    EQ Assembly 9:00am - 10:00am 

    Lunch: Soft Beef Whole Grain Taco

    Wednesday, Sept. 7, Day 4

      School Spirit Wear Day - Wear an Electa Quinney Shirt, Kaukauna Shirt, or Orange/Black! 

      Lunch: Mashed Potato & Chicken Bowl 

      Thursday, Sept. 8, Day 5

        Lunch: Cinnamon French Toast 

        Friday, Sept. 9, Day 6

        Lunch: Cheese Stuffed Breadsticks 

        Upcoming Events: 

        Sept. 12 - Celebration Assembly 9:00am - 10:00am 
        Sept. 12 - Board of Education Meeting 5:30pm 
        Sept. 19 - Sept. 23 Safety Week 
        Sept. 19 - PAC Meeting 6pm 
        Sept. 26 - Board of Education Meeting 5:30pm 
        Sept. 30 - No School 

        Lunch Menu

        Report a Daily Absence

        We request that parents/guardians call the automated absence line at 759-6159 or report the absence on your Parent Portal online account each day your child is unable to attend school. These services are available for your use before and after school hours. Please indicate the reason your child will not be at school. If your child will be absent due to illness, please include specific illness symptoms. Our Administrative Assistant will follow up on any unexcused absence according to the Student Attendance Policy #430. If a call or previous notification of an absence has not been received by 8:00 AM, (or 12:30 PM for afternoon 4K students) you will be called to determine why your child is not in attendance. This will assure both you and the school that your child is safe.

        School Calendar

        Please click here for our 22-23 school parent calendar. We do have extra copies in the office if you would like one printed for you.


        Please click the link below for our update 22-23 family handbook
        '22-23 EQ Family Handbook

        PurposeFULL People

        This month’s focus is Respect. One way to think about Respect is “seeing value in all people and things & treating them with care.” Many people feel Respected in different ways and we hope this month inspires discussions with your family about what Respect means to you and how you can practice it together!

        Lunch Program

        The Free Lunch Program offered by the Federal Government has been discontinued. Families are encouraged to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Application and Fee Waivers as needed. Please use the link below for more information and to access the applications.

        • Breakfast: $1.80
        • Reduced breakfast: $.30
        • Lunch: $3.05
        • Reduced lunch: $.40
        • Milk: $.50

        Deposits can be made through your parent portal. You may also send a check (payable to Kaukauna Area School District) or cash to school. There is a drop box located in the office. Please be sure to note your students first and last name is the envelope.

        NEW:  No Homework Model

        After much discussion and research we have decided to move to the “No Homework Model”. We hope this alleviates some additional stress on families and allows for more family time with your child. Research says that homework in Primary school has zero effect on academic achievement. Your child will not be bringing home nightly homework, but will be expected to read 15-20 minutes each night.
         Your child’s teacher may be sending home additional items for your child to work on if they did not finish in class. The teacher will be in contact with you if this is the case.

        School Pictures

        To order school pictures please click the link below:
        Electa Quinney Elementary School Picture Fall Link 2022 - 2023

        Join us for our PAC meeting!

        Our Electa Quinney Parent Advisory Committee PAC is instrumental in providing enriching opportunities for all of our students. Don't wait! Join us for one of our PAC meetings!

        2022-2023 PAC MEETINGS:
        Monday, Sept. 19th
        Tuesday, Nov. 1st
        Monday, Jan. 23rd
        Tuesday, March 14th
        Tuesday, April 18th
        Monday, May 8th
        All PAC meetings are held at 6:00 pm in the Quinney LMC

        All interested parents are encouraged to attend one meeting, two meetings, or as many that fit into your schedule.

        Morning Drop Off

        The earliest students are allowed to be dropped off is 7:35am.
        AM supervision outside will begin at 7:35am daily on the playground blacktop. The AM bells rings at 7:45am which signals all students to enter school. Class begins at 7:50am.

        Running Late Picking Up After School?

        If your child is picked up after school after most children/staff have dispersed from the playground, your child will be waiting near the picnic tables on the playground near the corner of the school where there will be supervision until 3:20 PM. In the event that you are late, for the safety of your child, the supervisor will bring them into the office so that you can be contacted.

        Leaving for Appointments & Phone Calls During the Day

        If your child has an appointment that requires them to leave during the school day, please include a note in the agenda planner. Having the information in the morning will help have your child ready in a timely manner when you arrive to pick them up. When you arrive to pick up your child, please come into the office to sign them out. Your child will be called down at that time, we do not allow students to wait in the lobby for their safety.

        Your phone calls are important to us! When calling during the school day, please be aware that you may be transferred to the staff member's voicemail if it is during instructional time. We work hard to avoid interrupting instructional time if at all possible. If an immediate message is needed, please let the office staff know and that message will be delivered via note/in person to the staff member.

        Thank you for understanding!

        What I Learned Wednesday

        All Wednesday’s at Electa Quinney will be “What I Learned Wednesday”. The students homework for that day (no other assigned homework) is to reflect on “What They Learned” in the last week. Teachers have autonomy to decide how they want to carry this out which could include students turning something in for reflection or just a share together on Thursday morning after they reflected/shared with family at home on Wednesday. Our hope is to bring an easy prompt for discussion for our students and families!

        Exciting! New Logo!

        Electa Quinney is excited to announce we have a new Cougar logo! You will see the new logo in all of our publications. Later this month we will have a PAC sponsored EQ Apparel sale. Watch your email for further information.

        Community Events and Activity Flyers

        There are a great many worthy undertakings in the Kaukauna Area School District that understandably deserve public support. The Board of Education/School District assist with this process in providing notice to students and/or families of certain non-school-related community activities/programs that are for public school-age students (that apply and meet policy conditions). Click here or visit the school district website to view the up to date list of events and flyers