Our focus for May is HONESTY! |
Monday, May 16, Day 1
Lunch: Cheese Pizza
As a school we have raised OVER $5,000 towards our Color Run Fundraiser. We have met another milestone with a fun incentive:
Teacher/Staff Silly Dress-up Day Voted by Students - Gym Teacher Look Alike - Dress like our PE teachers!
P.E classes will be running the mile - please make sure your child has a pair of tennis shoes and socks (Dercks classroom will be running the one mile on Tuesday)
Tuesday, May 17, Day 2
Lunch: Chicken Taco Meat
ALL BOOKS ARE DUE TODAY! Mrs. Brown will send out notices regarding replacement fees and fines after today. Library Skills classes and Library Story Time will run through June 2.
Wednesday, May 18, Day 3
Lunch: Cheesy Italian Pull Apart
School Spirit Wear Day - Wear an Electa Quinney Shirt, Kaukauna Shirt, or Orange/Black!
Thursday, May 19, Day 4
Lunch: Classic American Cheeseburger
Friday, May 20, Day 5
Lunch: Chicken & Apple-Cheddar Salad
Upcoming Events:
May 23 - Board of Education Meeting
May 24 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Bay Beach
May 25 - 3rd Grade Field Trip to The NEW Zoo
May 25 - Tanner 1st Graders Visiting Quinney!
May 26 - 2nd Grade Field Trip to Bay Beach
May 26 - Cougar Council Dress-up Day - Superhero Day
May 27 - All Students Early Dismissal
May 30 - All Students No School
May 31 - Quinney Color Run 12-3 pm
June 1 - AM All School Movie (For reaching Color Run fundraising goal!!!!)
June 2 - Last day of School - Early Release All Students!
Thank you Quinney families!!! This is AMAZING!
This is the last week to get connected via FundHub and to collect donations. The run/walk is just over ONE WEEK AWAY!!!!
Register your child at getmovinfundhub.com and they will receive a FREE Quinney Color Run T-Shirt!!
*A goal is to get ALL students registered on FundHub (FREE to register, no donations required). When registered, students will receive a FREE T-SHIRT (shown below) from Eagle Graphics courtesy of the PAC for the Color Run. *If your students raises $300 or more, they get to dunk a teacher/staff/community member chosen from the volunteer list in the DUNK TANK*
If you ordered a 21-22 yearbook, they have been sent home with your student. We do have a few extra yearbooks for sale in the office for $9.50/each. It will be a first come, first serve basis as we have a limited supply. Please stop by the office and/or email Shaina at Carlsons@kaukaunasd.org for more information.
Green Bay Blizzard Football team is offering Electa Quinney students and families 2 tickets for $15 to the Friday, May 20th game against the Iowa Barnstormers!
May Guidance
This month's topic is Multiple Intelligence Theory and the connection to hobbies, careers and a growth mindset. Students will learn about the 8 different types of intelligences and identify areas of strength and areas for growth.
Parent Teacher Conference Survey
The Kaukauna Area School District is looking for your feedback. Over the past two years we have made the change to virtual parent teacher conferences because of the mitigation strategies we have been following. We have begun planning for the 22-23 school year and would like for you to fill out the survey below to help us learn more about your perspective on parent/teacher conferences. Thank you in advance for taking the time to fill out the quick survey.
*Please fill out one survey for each of your students.
Kaukauna Area School District Parent/Teacher Feedback Survey
The Registration Window for Summer School will CLOSE this Monday, May 16 AT 12:00 P.M
Dates: June 13 - July 1 for most classes
Section Times: 8:00-9:15, 9:20-10:35, 10:40-11:55
Location: Kaukauna High School
Click Here for more information on Kaukauna Summer School! PurposeFull People Honesty Family Activity
Work together to create a
family Honesty pledge. Ask each family member to sign the pledge and choose a
spot on the fridge to post it. Refer back to the pledge as a reminder of the
importance of being honest and use it to hold each other accountable.
**All items will be donated at the end of the school year**
Community Events and Activity Flyers
There are a great many worthy undertakings in the Kaukauna Area School District that understandably deserve public support. The Board of Education/School District assist with this process in providing notice to students and/or families of certain non-school-related community activities/programs that are for public school-age students (that apply and meet policy conditions). Click here or visit the school district website to view the up to date list of events and flyers