Sunday, May 22, 2022

May 23 - June 2, 2022

The Next Two Weeks: 

Monday, May 23, Day 6

Lunch: Crispy Chicken Patty Sandwich 
  • 9:20-9:50 KHS Tour of Graduates! 

Tuesday, May 24, Day 1

Lunch: Soft Beef Whole Gain Tacos 
  • 8:15am-2:30pm 4th Grade Field Trip to Bay Beach 

Wednesday, May 25, Day 2

Lunch: Cheese Pizza 

School Spirit Wear Day - Wear an Electa Quinney Shirt, Kaukauna Shirt, or Orange/Black! 

  • 9:00am-2:45pm 3rd Grade Field Trip to NEW Zoo 
  • 8:00-9:30 Tanner 1st Graders Visiting Quinney! 

ThursdayMay 26, Day 3

Lunch: Muffin, Yogurt & Cheese Fun Lunch 

  • 9:35am-2:35pm 2nd Grade Field Trip to Bay Beach 

Friday, May 27, Day 4 - EARLY DISMISSAL

Monday, May 30 - NO SCHOOL

Tuesday, May 31, Day 5

Lunch: Turkey & Cheese on Whole Gain Bun (Sack Lunch) 
  • QUINNEY COLOR RUN -- 12:30PM-3:00PM

Wednesday, June 1, Day 6

Lunch: TBA 

School Spirit Wear Day - Wear an Electa Quinney Shirt, Kaukauna Shirt, or Orange/Black! 

  • AM All School Movie (for reaching Color Run fundraising goal!!!!)
  • PM 4th Grade Activities

Wednesday, June 2, Day 1 - EARLY DISMISSAL

Final School Assembly 8:30AM-9:15AM

Since your fundraising helped us well surpass our goal, the Electa Quinney PAC has decided to 
purchase a Color Run T-shirt for ALL STUDENTS!!!

QUINNEY COLOR RUN will be held on May 31st, 12:30PM-3:00PM. ALL students will participate. The run/walk will be held on the school grounds and will be shorter in length than previous year's events.  On May 31st students...
  • ...should wear clothing you do not mind getting powdered color.  
  • ...will receive their Color Run shirt and any incentives they earned depending on donations (sunglasses, bandana...) the day of the event.
  • ...bring sunglasses if they would like to wear them and did not earn that incentive.
  • ...bring a beach towel to sit on for our outdoor bag lunch and the towel can then be used in the car on the way home or on the bus.
  • ...will put on their Color Run shirt before the run/walk and will have the regular shirt they wore to school to put on after the race (and bring home their Color Run t-shirt in a bag).
    • The color color powder is not intended to stain or dye clothing. For best results removing the color, brush off as much of the powder as you can before it gets wet. Then, wash the clothes on a regular wash cycle or handwash the affected area until the color comes out.   We will have a brush of station for students to use at school.

If you ordered a 21-22 yearbook, they have been sent home with your student. We do have a few extra yearbooks for sale in the office for $9.50/each. It will be a first come, first serve basis as we have a limited supply. Please stop by the office and/or email Shaina at for more information.

May Guidance

This month's topic is Multiple Intelligence Theory and the connection to hobbies, careers and a growth mindset.  Students will learn about the 8 different types of intelligences and identify areas of strength and areas for growth.

Meaningful May Calendar

Please click the link below for our supply list for next school year:

PurposeFull People Honesty Family Activity


Share favorite stories that target Honesty. Maybe it’s an Aesop’s fable like The Boy Who Cried Wolf or the historical tale about George Washington cutting down the cherry tree. Maybe it’s a book your child has read in school, or a story that you fondly remember from your childhood. Once you’ve all shared, take a vote on which one you’d like to bring to life on stage. Designate a space in the house or outside on the patio where you’d like to act it out, and work together to bring that story to life.

**All items remaining will be donated 
at the end of the school year**

Community Events and Activity Flyers

There are a great many worthy undertakings in the Kaukauna Area School District that understandably deserve public support. The Board of Education/School District assist with this process in providing notice to students and/or families of certain non-school-related community activities/programs that are for public school-age students (that apply and meet policy conditions). Click here or visit the school district website to view the up to date list of events and flyers

Sunday, May 15, 2022

May 16 - 20, 2022


Our focus for May is HONESTY!

Monday, May 16, Day 1

Lunch: Cheese Pizza 

As a school we have raised OVER $5,000 towards our Color Run Fundraiser. We have met another milestone with a fun incentive: 
Teacher/Staff Silly Dress-up Day Voted by Students - Gym Teacher Look Alike - Dress like our PE teachers!


P.E classes will be running the mile - please make sure your child has a pair of tennis shoes and socks (Dercks classroom will be running the one mile on Tuesday) 

Tuesday, May 17, Day 2

Lunch: Chicken Taco Meat 


ALL BOOKS ARE DUE TODAY! Mrs. Brown will send out notices regarding replacement fees and fines after today. Library Skills classes and Library Story Time will run through June 2. 

Wednesday, May 18, Day 3

Lunch: Cheesy Italian Pull Apart 

School Spirit Wear Day - Wear an Electa Quinney Shirt, Kaukauna Shirt, or Orange/Black! 


ThursdayMay 19, Day 4

Lunch: Classic American Cheeseburger 


Friday, May 20, Day 5

Lunch: Chicken & Apple-Cheddar Salad 


Upcoming Events:
May 23 - Board of Education Meeting 
May 24 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Bay Beach
May 25 - 3rd Grade Field Trip to The NEW Zoo 
May 25 - Tanner 1st Graders Visiting Quinney! 
May 26 - 2nd Grade Field Trip to Bay Beach 
May 26 - Cougar Council Dress-up Day - Superhero Day 
May 27 - All Students Early Dismissal 
May 30 - All Students No School 
May 31 - Quinney Color Run 12-3 pm
June 1 - AM All School Movie (For reaching Color Run fundraising goal!!!!)
June 2 - Last day of School - Early Release All Students! 

Thank you Quinney families!!! This is AMAZING!  
This is the last week to get connected via FundHub and to collect donations.  The run/walk is just over ONE WEEK AWAY!!!!
It is scheduled DURING THE SCHOOL DAY 12:30-2:30 p.m. on May 31st.  ALL students will participate. The run/walk will be held on the school grounds and will be shorter in length than previous year's events.  If you would like to VOLUNTEER to help during the afternoon of May 31st please sign-up by clicking here.

Register your child at and they will receive a FREE Quinney Color Run T-Shirt!! 

*A goal is to get ALL students registered on FundHub (FREE to register, no donations required).  When registered, students will receive a FREE T-SHIRT (shown below) from Eagle Graphics courtesy of the PAC for the Color Run.
*If your students raises $300 or more, they get to dunk a teacher/staff/community member chosen from the volunteer list in the DUNK TANK* 

If you ordered a 21-22 yearbook, they have been sent home with your student. We do have a few extra yearbooks for sale in the office for $9.50/each. It will be a first come, first serve basis as we have a limited supply. Please stop by the office and/or email Shaina at for more information.

Green Bay Blizzard Football team is offering Electa Quinney students and families 2 tickets for $15 to the Friday, May 20th game against the Iowa Barnstormers! 
Order your tickets Here

May Guidance

This month's topic is Multiple Intelligence Theory and the connection to hobbies, careers and a growth mindset.  Students will learn about the 8 different types of intelligences and identify areas of strength and areas for growth.


Parent Teacher Conference Survey

The Kaukauna Area School District is looking for your feedback. Over the past two years we have made the change to virtual parent teacher conferences because of the mitigation strategies we have been following. We have begun planning for the 22-23 school year and would like for you to fill out the survey below to help us learn more about your perspective on parent/teacher conferences. Thank you in advance for taking the time to fill out the quick survey. 

*Please fill out one survey for each of your students. 

Kaukauna Area School District Parent/Teacher Feedback Survey

The Registration Window for Summer School will CLOSE this Monday, May 16 AT 12:00 P.M
Dates: June 13 - July 1 for most classes
Section Times:  8:00-9:15, 9:20-10:35, 10:40-11:55
Location: Kaukauna High School
Click Here for more information on Kaukauna Summer School! 

Meaningful May Calendar

PurposeFull People Honesty Family Activity


Work together to create a family Honesty pledge. Ask each family member to sign the pledge and choose a spot on the fridge to post it. Refer back to the pledge as a reminder of the importance of being honest and use it to hold each other accountable.

**All items will be donated at the end of the school year**

Community Events and Activity Flyers

There are a great many worthy undertakings in the Kaukauna Area School District that understandably deserve public support. The Board of Education/School District assist with this process in providing notice to students and/or families of certain non-school-related community activities/programs that are for public school-age students (that apply and meet policy conditions). Click here or visit the school district website to view the up to date list of events and flyers

Saturday, May 7, 2022

May 9 - 13, 2022


Monday, May 9, Day 2

  • Lunch: Turkey Hot Dog 

Favorite Holiday Dress-up Day - wear a shirt from your favorite holiday or the colors that go with your favorite holiday!!! 
This dress-up day was chosen by Jozwiak/Ponte class as they were the classroom leaders for donations when we reached $2,500 as a school!! 


Tuesday, May 10, Day 3

  • Lunch: Soft Beef Whole Grain Tacos 
  • 6:00 Concert 2Mc, 2J/P, 2VA, 2O 
  • 7:00 Concert 4D, 4B/W, 4St, 4Sp 

Wednesday, May 11, Day 4

  • Lunch: Chicken Nuggets 
School Spirit Wear Day - Wear an Electa Quinney Shirt, Kaukauna Shirt, or Orange/Black! 

ThursdayMay 12, Day 5
  • Lunch: The Perfect Sloppy Joe 

Friday, May 13, Day 6

  • Lunch: Cheese Stuffed Breadsticks 
  • Cougar Council Dress-up Day - Career Day! 

Upcoming Events:
May 20 - Quinney Field Day 
May 23 - Board of Education Meeting 
May 24 - 4th Grade Field Trip to Bay Beach
May 25 - 3rd Grade Field Trip to The NEW Zoo 
May 26 - 2nd Grade Field Trip to Bay Beach 
May 26 - Cougar Council Dress-up Day - Superhero Day 
May 27 - All Students Early Dismissal 
May 30 - All Students No School 
May 31 - Quinney Color Run 12-3 pm


Classroom Leaders: Team VandeVoort, Team Jozwiak/Ponte, Team Wiedenhaupt

*A goal is to get ALL students registered on FundHub (FREE to register, no donations required).  When registered, students will receive a FREE T-SHIRT (shown below) from Eagle Graphics courtesy of the PAC for the Color Run.
*If your students raises $300 or more, they get to dunk a teacher/staff/community member chosen from the volunteer list in the DUNK TANK* 

The Color Run is scheduled DURING THE SCHOOL DAY 12:30-2:30 p.m. on May 31st.  ALL students will participate. The run/walk will be held on the school grounds and will be shorter in length than previous year's events.

Register your child at and they will receive a FREE Quinney Color Run T-Shirt!! 

If you ordered a 21-22 yearbook, they have been sent home with your student. We do have a few extra yearbooks for sale in the office for $9.50/each. It will be a first come, first serve basis as we have a limited supply. Please stop by the office and/or email Shaina at for more information.

Library Deadlines for the End of the Year

The last Library checkout day will be May 13 (day 6-end of rotation). In order for the library staff to conduct their annual inventory of materials, ALL BOOKS WILL BE DUE ON TUESDAY, MAY 17.  Please help your child in returning their books prior to that date. Mrs. Brown will send out notices regarding replacement fees and fines after that date.  Library Skills classes and Library Story Time will run through June 2. 

May Guidance

This month's topic is Multiple Intelligence Theory and the connection to hobbies, careers and a growth mindset.  Students will learn about the 8 different types of intelligences and identify areas of strength and areas for growth.


Parent Teacher Conference Survey

The Kaukauna Area School District is looking for your feedback. Over the past two years we have made the change to virtual parent teacher conferences because of the mitigation strategies we have been following. We have begun planning for the 22-23 school year and would like for you to fill out the survey below to help us learn more about your perspective on parent/teacher conferences. Thank you in advance for taking the time to fill out the quick survey. 

*Please fill out one survey for each of your students. 

Kaukauna Area School District Parent/Teacher Feedback Survey

Summer School registration is open.
Dates: June 13 - July 1 for most classes
Section Times:  8:00-9:15, 9:20-10:35, 10:40-11:55
Location: Kaukauna High School
Click Here for more information on Kaukauna Summer School! 

Meaningful May Calendar

PurposeFull People Honesty Family Activity


Draw a collaborative piece of art. You can use markers on paper, chalk on a sidewalk, paint on an easel, etc.. Bring to life a picture and/or words connected to Honesty. What does Honesty look like, sound like, feel like?

Community Events and Activity Flyers

There are a great many worthy undertakings in the Kaukauna Area School District that understandably deserve public support. The Board of Education/School District assist with this process in providing notice to students and/or families of certain non-school-related community activities/programs that are for public school-age students (that apply and meet policy conditions). Click here or visit the school district website to view the up to date list of events and flyers