Sunday, April 3, 2022

April 4 - April 8, 2022


Monday, Apr. 4, Day 4

Lunch: Classic American Cheeseburger 

Wisconsin Forward Exam Window Continues 
Summer School Registration is open! 

  • Wear blue for Autism Awareness. #AutismAwarenessMonth #AutismAcceptanceMonth

Tuesday, Apr. 5, Day 5

Lunch: Beef Nachos 

Wisconsin Forward Exam Window Continues 

11:00 All School Assembly - Tim Hannig Pro-Kids Show
Thank you EQ PAC!!!! 

Wednesday, Apr. 6, Day 6

Lunch: Grilled Chicken Sandwich 

Wisconsin Forward Exam Window Continues 

School Spirit Wear Day - Wear an Electa Quinney Shirt, Kaukauna Shirt, or Orange/Black! 

Thursday, Apr. 7, Day 1

Lunch: Mini Turkey Corn Dogs 

Wisconsin Forward Exam Window Continues 

Severe Weather Awareness Week -- Statewide Tornado Drills today!

Friday, Apr. 8, Day 2

Lunch: Macaroni and Cheese 

Wisconsin Forward Exam Window Continues 

Green Bay Blizzard Football Game Saturday, April 9th @ 6:05pm 

Upcoming Events:
April 11 - Board of Education Meeting 
April 13 - Cougar Council Dress Up Day - Spring Fever/Beach Day 
April 14 - All Students No School 
April 15 - All Students No School 
April 18 - All Students No School 
April 25 - Board of Education Meeting 
April 26 - Cougar Council Dress Up Day - Country/Western Day 



**Menus subject to change per Chartwells. Always monitor the Chartwells' NutriSlice Online Menu as changes can happen a week prior, days prior, and sometimes even the morning of.


Wisconsin Forward Exam Testing
 The WI Forward Exam testing window will continue until April 29th. Grade 3 will receive testing in ELA (English Language Arts) and mathematics. Grade 4 will receive testing in ELA (English Language Arts), mathematics, Science and Social Studies. There is no need for students to study for this exam. Families can help their child have a successful experience by...

 *Ensuring students get a good night's sleep and a nutritious breakfast before taking the test*
*Offering praise and encouragement for achievement and improvement
 *Sharing your enthusiasm and interest in reading, mathematics, and science with your children
Summer School registration opens Sunday, April 3rd at 12:00PM.
Dates: June 13 - July 1 for most classes
Section Times:  8:00-9:15, 9:20-10:35, 10:40-11:55
Location: Kaukauna High School
Click Here for more information on Kaukauna Summer School! 

PurposeFull People Respect & Responsibility Family Activity

Responsibility: In this challenge, you will carve out time as a family to head to a local park or beach or neighborhood or public space to help beautify it by picking up the trash. Grab some rubber gloves, some garbage sacks, and some germy gel and enjoy some togetherness time while demonstrating what it means to “do your part” and show Responsibility for your community!
Respect: To show Respect for diversity and to celebrate other cultures and their customs, research a traditional recipe for your family to try from your own culture or from another culture that you know exists in your community. Make that dish and share with your family about its background and its significance.

Community Events and Activity Flyers

There are a great many worthy undertakings in the Kaukauna Area School District that understandably deserve public support. The Board of Education/School District assist with this process in providing notice to students and/or families of certain non-school-related community activities/programs that are for public school-age students (that apply and meet policy conditions). Click here or visit the school district website to view the up to date list of events and flyers