Week at a Glance:
#QuinneyReads2021 Continues!!!
Monday, Mar. 22, Day 6
Monday Reading Challenge: Read a mystery & enjoy a school provided SNACK!
#2 - Cheesy Chicken & Rice Casserole
- Extended! Yearbook Sales END TODAY!
Tuesday, Mar. 23, Day 1
#1 - Beef Nachos
#2 - Cheese Quesadilla
4:00-7:30 PTS Conferences
Wednesday, Mar. 24, Day 2
Dress Like A Book Character!!!
Reading challenge - Read a Graphic Novel!!!
#1 - Mini Strawberry Pancakes w/Sausage Patty
#2 - Egg & Cheese Breakfast Bagel w/Sausage Patty
Thursday, Mar. 25, Day 3
#1 - Italian Meatball Sub
#2 - Cheese Croissant w/Tomato Soup
4:00-7:30 PTS Conferences
Friday, Mar. 26, Day 4
Morning Meeting Reading Theme
Wacky Hair or Hat Day!
1/2 Day, 11:30 Dismissal
12:30-4:00 PTS Conferences
Upcoming Events:
April 30 - No School
THIS WEEK...Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
Click this blue link to sign-up or verify your sign-up for Spring 20-21 Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences. We will be holding the conferences virtually with a Google Meet this fall. Although we will not meet in person, families should still "sign-up" for a time so that you can have an uninterrupted time with your child's teacher.
On the day and at the time of your scheduled conference, copy and paste the URL address listed in the "Location" area into your Internet Browser then press return. This will connect you with the Google Meet. Your child's teacher will "admit you" into the Meet when he/she is ready for the conference to begin. If you enter too early and it does not work, you may need to paste the address in your internet browser again to be admitted.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact the main office at 920-766-6116 if you have any questions about this process.
Thank you!
Here is the link for the online ordering of the Electa Quinney yearbook. The link will close this Monday, March 22nd.
Parents may also go to our website
www.networkphoto.net select the FALL PREPAY tab and type in Electa Quinney.

Is there a movie day in our future? We have just surpassed $10,000, on our way to $15,000. If we reach that goal, we will have a movie for the entire school!
We continue to move forward with #QuinneyReads. Students continue to watch/listen to Mystery Readers and this week they get a snack (provided by EQ PAC) while reading on Monday and Wednesday they should dress up like a favorite book character.
We thank all of the students, families, and friends of Electa Quinney in supporting the PAC in making a difference in our school with the Read-a-thon fundraiser. We have raised $11,000 so far! Your simple posts on social media, emails, and more continue to make a huge difference. WOW! We are in disbelief and so very humbled by this new experience.
Students had music in the cafeteria at lunch five days last week and have earned one more day for the $11,000 mark. We are now up to EIGHTEEN students that have raised $200 or more. Students all join in on the fun of Mrs. Knapp getting pied in the face by watching it on the morning video announcements! Thirteen pies so far and more on the way this week. Thank you to Mrs. Wiedenhaupt and Mrs. Cooksey for joining in on the fun as well with matching the "pie" incentive.
If you have not had the opportunity to register your child on FundHub yet, click Read-a-thon fundraiser to read more and register. Students who register (free, no money donation needed) receive a pencil and classes who reach 85% of their class registering receive gum for a day. Again, there are no donations required, register today!
We have also had a few questions asked. Here are some Q & A to help...
I often choose to give a check rather than buy things. If I'm going to spend $100, I'd like the school to get the $100, not any skimmed off the top. Do you know what you are receiving from this organization?
Families do not need to donate online. Check or cash can be sent in an envelope to school with your child's name on it. 100% of cash and check donations goes to the school. A portion of online donations does come off; % varies depending on the amount raised. In the current state of COVID, it is all about parent or donator preference and convenience. If you send in cash/check we will still log it under your children if you register them in the FundHub.
There is a spot for logging reading minutes - is this something we are to keep up with daily for our child?
This is nothing that is required, this is just an option for families who might be promoting their site/child's minutes of reading to other famliy or friends.
I long for the days when the Color Run returns - by far one of my families favorite actives to take part in.
The PAC and staff agree, we love it as well! We are hoping that we will be able to return to it as well. Trying out this fundraising program also gives some benefit for us in seeing the help or applicability for use with a Color Run as well. Our hope is that we might be able to offer the Color Run in the fall of next year as our connection with FundHub will still be available to us.
WI Forward Exam
The Wisconsin Forward Exam will be given in schools between March 22 and May 14, 2021. The Forward Exam is a state mandated summative assessment which provides information about what students know and can do in relation to the Wisconsin Academic Standards. Students receive a score based on their performance in each content area. Please click on this Wisconsin Forward Exam Family Information Brochure link for more information about the exam.
There are sample or practice test questions available for students. An Online Tools Training (OTT) is available for students at http://dpi.wi.gov/assessment/forward/sample-items. The OTT is intended to give students the opportunity to practice with tools available on the Forward Exam, as well as allow them to familiarize themselves with the testing platform. The OTT is not scored. Students will be exploring these tools and training at school prior to testing.
The Forward Exam will be administered online and be given to:
Grades 3-8 in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics,
Grades 4 and 8 in Science and,
Grades 4, 8, and 10 in Social Studies
The Forward Exam includes several question types:
Multiple-Choice (MC): Question that has four answer choices, including three distractors and one correct answer.
Enhanced Selected Response (ESR): Question which may contain combinations of multiple choice, short-answer, and technology-enhanced
Evidence-Based Selected Response (ESBR): Question which has two parts. The student answers Part A, then provides evidence in Part B to support the answer in Part A.
Technology-Enhanced (TE): TE questions allow for a more engaging, interactive assessment.
Accommodations and supports for students with disabilities and/or English language learners are built into the system so that the progress of students can be accurately measured.
The estimated time for the test administration in each grade is approximately 70 minutes for ELA, 90 minutes for Mathematics, 90 minutes for Science, and 70 minutes for Social Studies. These are estimated times, as the WI Forward Exam is not a timed test so students work at their own pace. More information regarding scheduled testing days will be emailed/sent home from your child's teacher.
This exam must be administered in a face to face setting. Plans for our virtual students are being developed and will be shared with you soon.
If you have any questions or concerns about the assessment, please contact the school office.

Are you missing any of the following items? They are neatly organized for pick up by your child if you see something that may be yours.