Week at a Glance:
Monday, Feb. 22: Day 4
#2 - Cheesy Chicken & Rice Casserole
Tuesday, Feb. 23: Day 5
#1 - Beef Nachos
#2 - Cheese Quesadilla
Wednesday, Feb. 24: Day 6
School Spirit Day! - Wear an Electa Quinney Shirt, Kaukauna Shirt, or Orange/Black!
#1 - Mini Strawberry Pancakes
#2 - Egg & Cheese Breakfast Bagel
Thursday, Feb. 25: Day 1
#1 - Italian Meatball Sub
#2 - Cheese Croissant w/Tomato Soup
Friday, Feb. 26: Day 2
#2 - Turkey & Cheese Sandwich
Upcoming Events:
March 1-5 - Read Across America
Mar. 8 - 6:00-7:00 PAC Meeting
Mar. 15 - Yearbook Sales END!
Mar. 17 - Green/Leprechaun Day!
Mar. 23 & 25 - 4:00-7:30 PTS Conferences
Mar. 26 - Wacky Hair or Hat Day!
1/2 Day, 11:30 Dismissal
12:30-4:00 PTS Conferences
Magical Surprise for your Family
What a blast we had at The Pro-Kids Family Night Show! We all enjoyed Tim's magic, and although we were all distant the commenting really made for a great feel of being together. As Tim mentioned at the end of his show, now your kids get to peek "behind the curtain," to learn some tips and secrets from Tim.
Pro-Kids Online Magic Workshop: https://timthatsamazing.com/magic-class/
Secret Password: secrets
If you missed the show, you can still experience it here: https://pkshow.com/electa-quinney-family-show-feb-18-2021-630pm-pkfn/
Watch for more information about #QuinneyReads2021 in the next few weeks.

Normal Library Check out Process Returns
We are excited to announce that students in grades 2nd - 4th can again shop from the library bookshelves during library check out. This change is due to information from the American Library Association on how long books need to be quarantined and CDC guidelines on how long the virus is active on library materials.
Mitigation procedures will still be in place to keep your student safe such as students washing and/or sanitizing their hands before and after shopping. We will continue to quarantine returned library books for the recommended amount of time.
Due to this change, your student will be allowed to check out the following on their library day:
4th grade-4 books
3rd grade-4 books
2nd grade-3 books
1st grade - 2 books
K- 1 book
4K-1 book
Reminder: Books are due back the day before checkout, so that your student may check out the full amount of books allotted for their grade level.
Please contact Ms. Brown, EQ/NDLC School Librarian, if you have any questions.
Here is the link for the online ordering of the Electa Quinney yearbook. The link will close on March 15th.
Parents may also go to our website
www.networkphoto.net select the FALL PREPAY tab and type in Electa Quinney.