Week at a Glance:
Monday, Nov. 2: Day 5
#1 - Crispy Chicken Patty Sandwich
#2 - Tater Tot Casserole
Tuesday, Nov. 3: Day 6
#1 - Soft Beef Taco
#2 - Chicken & Apple Cheddar Salad
Wednesday, Nov. 4: Day 1
#1 - French Toast Sticks
#2 - Ham and Cheese Bagel Melt
- School Spirit Wear Day - Wear an Electa Quinney Shirt, Kaukauna Shirt, or Orange/Black!
Thursday, Nov. 5: Day 2
#1 - Pepperoni Pizza Pasta Bake
#2 - BBQ Shredded Pork Sandwich
Friday, Nov. 6: Day 3
#1 - Cheese Stuffed Breadsticks
#2 - Macaroni and Cheese
Upcoming Events:
November 10: 5:00-8:00 Tom's Drive-In Family Night for EQ (Calumet St. location)
6:00-7:00 PAC Meeting (virtual)
November 11: Picture Retake Day
November Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences
Watch your email November 4th for the Sign-up Genius link for Parent/Student/Teacher Conferences. Conferences will be held virtually via Google Meets on November 17, 19, and 20!
As you take care of your holiday shopping, here is another opportunity for you. We are offering a Quinney / KASD Wear sale today through November 8th. A intro flyer can be viewed in color by clicking here . Families wishing to purchase Quinney or KASD Wear can make a purchase by clicking on the links above or click the link on the flyer if viewed online. The sale is open through for ordering through be Sunday, November 8th ( apparel will arrive before Dec. 22nd) . Feel free to pass the link on to grandparents as well for holiday gifts. $1.00 of your clothing item will go back to Electa Quinney for the EQ PAC General Fund which is used to buy Scholastic News for student classrooms, individual wrapped snacks for events, books for our QuinneyReads events, classroom materials teachers request, and more. - The Electa Quinney PAC
We have EQ Spirit Wear day every Wednesday. Students are NOT required to have or wear EQ Wear, they are always welcome to wear anything orange, black, or Kaukauna wear.

Parent Advisory Committee Updates
So far this year we have been able to purchase alternative seating scoop seats classroom needs, extra snacks and water for students when their snack is forgotten, and birthday books. We are still hoping to purchase a book for each student as part of our 20-21 Quinney Reads event.
Our Culver's Scoopie Card fundraiser raised over $4000, so the Quinney Reads book purchase will definitely be a reality! THANK YOU for your support of our school with the Scoopie Card fundraiser!!! Thank you to parents Aimee Hamilton and Stacy Wiedenhaupt for your help organizing and carrying out the fundraiser and additionally the office staff for processing the paperwork.
Again, we thank all families for their help in all the fundraising efforts of the PAC as those funds provide the ability to purchase these useful items for our students and teachers. The PAC currently has the Tom's Drive In family night fundraiser (Calumet St. location) on the books for November 10th. Families can make use of carry out or drive through during the hours of 5-8 p.m. and the Electa Quinney PAC will receive proceeds from the profit of that evenings sales.