Friday, January 18, 2019

January 21-25, 2019

Week at a Glance:

Monday, January 21: 


Tuesday, January 22:  Day 2

Character Color Week - Red

#1 - Swedish Meatballs w/Spaghetti
#2 - Meatball Sub

Wednesday, January 23:   Day 3

Character Color Week - Orange


#1 - Hot Dog on a Bun
#2 - BBQ Shredded Pork Sandwich

Thursday, January 24:  Day 4

Character Color Week - Green/Yellow


#1 - Macho Nachos
#2 - Beef Enchiladas

Friday, January 25:  Day 5

Character Color Week - Blue/Purple 

#1 - Cheese Omelet
#2 - Strawberry Parfait w/Granola


It is Character Color Week at Quinney!

  • Monday - NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday - Wear Red for Caring
    • Caring – being kind with words and actions; thinking about other people’s needs and feelings; helping others; giving to others without expecting something in return
  • Wednesday - Wear Orange for Fairness
    • Fairness – playing by the rules; thinking about other people’s point of view; sharing, speaking up against things that are unfair
  • Thursday - Wear Green for Responsibility OR Yellow for Respect
    • Responsibility – doing the jobs you are supposed to do; doing your best work; accepting the consequences of your actions
    • Respect – treat others the way you want to be treated; being polite and courteous; respecting other people’s differences; solving conflicts peacefully
  • Friday - Wear Blue for Trustworthiness OR Purple for Citizenship
    • Trustworthiness – being honest in your words and actions; doing what you say you will do; doing what you know is right…even if it is difficult; not making up stories 
    • Citizenship – cooperating with others, being a good part of a larger group; contributing to your community; obeying laws and rules; working together to make your environment a better place for all

Youth Art Month

Congratulations to Jafet Lara Moreno (3-J) for representing Quinney in the local Youth Art Month Art Show!  His "mad scientist portrait" will be displayed at the Neville Public Museum in Green Bay in February and then has the chance to be displayed at the state art show in Madison!

Please save cereal boxes!  Students use them for sketchbook covers, and we start saving now for next year!

Summer School - 2019

Here is the link to the Summer School Website:


  • Monday, January 28:  
    • PAC Meeting in Library, 6-7 p.m.
  • Tuesday, February 4:  
    • Chipotle Fundraiser, 4 - 8 p.m.
  • Thursday & Friday, February 21-22: