February 14: Red, White & Pink Day
February 20: EQ Family Event
February 22 & 23: NO SCHOOL
February 26: 9:15-12:00 All Grade 2 Fieldtrip to Weidner Center
February 27: Twin Day! Dress like twins
February 27: PAC Meeting 6:00-7:00 PM
March 2: Dr. Seuss Character Day!March 6: 9:10-11:55 4/Durrant/Forster to 1,000 Islands
12:00-2:00 All Third Grade to the PAC
4:00-7:30 P-T-S Conferences
March 7: 9:10-11:55 4/Baranczyk/Wiese/Herlache/Rosenbeck to 1,000 Islands
March 8: 4:00-7:30 P-T-S Conferences
March 9: 11:30 Dismissal for Students
12:30-4:00 P-T-S Conferences
March 16: Green/Leprechaun Day!
9:15-11:15 All 3rd & 4th Grade to KHS for Walsh Foundation Performance
March 26: 6:00-7:00 PAC Meeting
March 28: Wacky Hair or Hat Day!
11:30 Dismissal for Students
March 29, 30 & April 2: NO SCHOOL
April 6 : Electa Quinney Student/Family Dance

Our school is proud to partner with the American Heart Association to help kids with special hearts! Mark your family calendars NOW for our upcoming Electa Quinney Family Event which will include our Jump Rope for Heart event taking place on February 20, 2018.

Dance for EQ Students
dancing along with popcorn, games, and fun!
Friday, April 6, 6:30-8:00pm
This event is being organized and sponsored by the Electa Quinney Parent Advisory Committee and is a FREE event for students and families. Students must be accompanied by an adult.

Location - Classes will continue to be held at Kaukauna High School.
Dates - All courses will be offered in one session, Tuesday June 12 - Friday June 29, Monday - Friday.
Strength and Conditioning and Music Lessons/Band Camp will also be held in July.
Other Valuable Information:
We will again offer an Open House prior to the start of summer school for families to become familiar with the location and rooms that classes will be taking place in.
Busing/transportation will continue to be an option for families for a fee.
NEW THIS YEAR! All community flyers will be found on the district web page. Click here to access information about the following events/activities...Father-Daughter Dance
Girl Scouts
2018 Kaukauna Softball Flyer
Champs Camp 2018
United Way Valentine's Day Festival
2018 Electric City Soccer Flyer
Anyone requesting flyer distribution at the elementary level should submit an electronic copy to the district office, attention Erin Kape at for consideration two weeks prior to the first of each month. Click here or visit the school district website to view the up to date list of events and flyers.
(for the homerooms of Ebben, McKinnon, Dercks, and Rosenbeck)
The birthday composer for the month of January was Phillip Glass. He is a living composer from the United States. We learned about his life and his music, including some of the film scores he has written. We listened to a piece of music from the film "Mishima" that he wrote, and used a Venn diagram to compare and contrast a string quartet version of the piece with a piano version of the piece.

The 2nd graders have been busy beginning our preparations for the 2nd grade concert. Our concert, called "All About Animals" will be on Tuesday, March 20th at 6:30 pm for the homerooms of Ebben/McKinnon. All 2nd grade students are required to attend as a part of our music curriculum. We look forward to sharing in a night of music with you!
The 3rd graders are preparing for our second "Artistic Adventures" field trip coming up in early March. Our first field trip took us to the Trout Museum to hear a string quartet and to learn about origami. The second field trip in March will take us to hear a symphony orchestra performance. Over the next months in music, the students will become familiar with the string family of instruments, symphony orchestra vocabulary, and the pieces and composers that will be featured at the orchestra concert. This is a great way for us to put all of our learning into an authentic learning experience at the PAC. This is a wonderful partnership between our district and the outreach program of the Fox Valley Symphony. We are very excited to be a part of this experience!

2nd grade
The 2nd graders were in full concert mode during the month of January! It is very exciting! They began working on all of the songs they will perform for their upcoming concert. It will be on Thursday, March 22 at 6:30 in gym A. They are doing a fabulous job!!
3rd grade

4th grade
The 4th graders continued to work on the Recorder Karate Program. They made it to the green belt. That is the 4th belt out of nine. Please encourage and help your child to practice their recorder at home to improve what we are learning at school. The 4th graders also learned more about some band instruments. They will have the opportunity to choose to play an instrument next year in 5th grade.
ARTSONIA UPDATE! Thank you Quinney families for supporting the Artsonia program! Students are so proud of their artwork and are excited to share with you! If you haven’t, please log in to your student’s account. An Artsonia ticket comes home after each art project is published to their digital gallery. You can become a fan club member, write positive comments to your artist, and even purchase items with your child’s artwork to help raise funds to purchase new supplies and materials for the art room! Students love comparing how many fan club members they have! (You can send a link to family and friends who can become fans and also write comments.)
Several winter landscapes from grades 2-4 will be on display at the Bergstrom-Mahler Museum in Neenah from February 10th - March 3rd. Students will be sent a note home if their work will be on display!

Mr. Halloran's Physical Education classes are in the tumbling unit. They have the opportunity to walk and do tricks on balance beams, climb the rock wall, climb and swing on ropes, climb the cargo net, learn how to do several different rolls and cartwheels, and a lot more fun activities. It is great that the school has such fun equipment! The students are doing a great job challenging themselves in new ways.
Third Grade: Third graders are learning how to take notes online using Google Keep. Each student created a checklist and shared three things I might not know about them. Next, they partnered with a friend to learn about a new topic using PowerKnowledge Science Suites. They will take notes using Google Keep.

The viral and bacterial type of pink eye is very contagious and can be spread easily from person to person and especially child to child as children have a more difficult time not rubbing on the irritated eye.
What Are the Symptoms of Pink Eye?
- Redness or swelling of the white of the eye or around the eye
- Increased amount of drainage which may be clear, yellow, white or green
- Itchy, irritated, and/or burning eyes
- Increased sensitivity to light
- Gritty feeling in the eye
- Matter (dried drainage) on the eyelids or lashes especially in the morning
Some cases of pink eye can be mild and may get better on their own, even without antibiotic eye drop treatment. However, since it is very difficult to determine what may be causing your child’s pink eye the health office may ask you to bring your child in for medical follow up.
How Do I Stop Pink Eye from Spreading?
- Wash your hands
- Avoid touching or rubbing your eyes; this is hard for young children to do
- Avoid sharing makeup, contact lenses and containers, and eyeglasses
- Keep your child home and follow up with their doctor if your child have any symptoms of pink eye
As always if you have any questions please feel free to contact the health office at your child’s school.
February Classroom Guidance

For some great tips and ideas on developing positive self-concept in your children, see the ideas below!
Look for Ways to Help Others
When children feel like they're making a difference -- whether it's passing out cups at preschool or taking cookies to a nursing home -- they feel more confident, says Dr. Brooks. It's good for kids to have their own household responsibilities, but it may be even more empowering for a young child to assist you with a project.
Don't Rescue Your Child
It's natural to want to prevent your child from getting hurt, feeling discouraged, or making mistakes, but when you intervene -- trying to get her invited to a birthday party she wasn't included in, or pressuring the soccer coach to give her more game time -- you're not doing her any favors. Kids need to know that it's okay to fail, and that it's normal to feel sad, anxious, or angry, says Robert Brooks, PhD, coauthor of Raising Resilient Children. They learn to succeed by overcoming obstacles, not by having you remove them.
Focus on the Glass Half Full


By one year, most children will do things such as:
Pull to a stand and walk with assistance.
Say one or two simple words (ma-ma, da-da, etc.).
Pick up small objects with thumb and first two fingers.
Drink from a cup when it is held for them.
Enjoy playing “peek-a-boo” or “patty cake”.
By two years, most children will do things such as:
Run reasonably well.
Use 2-3 word sentences (more juice, no go bye-bye, etc.).
Point to animals or objects in a book.
Bring a familiar object from another room when asked.
Play near other children, and use toys meaningfully.
By three years, most children will do things such as:
Dress self with minimal help.
Speak in short sentences.
Nest objects of different sizes, and match objects by color.
Imitate lines and circles on paper.
Begin to play with other children.
By four years, most children will do things such as:
Catch a large ball tossed underhand.
Ask many types of questions.
State full name and age when asked.
Copy a plus sign.
Enjoy pretend play with other children.
If you suspect that your child may have delays or other difficulties, you can arrange for a free screening to help determine if developmental testing and special services might be needed. Special school services can begin at the time of a child’s third birthday, and are provided at no cost to the
family. County services are available for infants and toddlers with special needs. Residents of the Kaukauna Area School District may contact Lisa Sheppard at 766-6150 for further information.