Monday, Jan. 31, Day 3
Lunch: Crispy Chicken Sandwich
Tuesday, Feb. 1, Day 4
Lunch: Soft Beef Whole Grain Tacos
Kick off KINDNESS with positive message shirts!
1st Day of Black History Month!
Wednesday, Feb. 2, Day 5
Lunch: Mini Turkey Corn Dogs
2-2-22 Tutus, Tye-Dye, Ties and Tennis Shoes
Thursday, Feb. 3, Day 6
Lunch: Italian Meatball Sub
Friday, Feb. 4, Day 1
Lunch: Muffin & Cheez-It Fun Lunch
Olympic Kick Off!!! Wear something red, white and blue or sports gear!
Feb. 9 - Cougar Council Dress Up Day: 100th Day of School
Feb. 14 - Cougar Council Dress Up Day: Wear Red, White, and Pink
Feb. 14 - Board of Education Meeting
Feb. 21 - No School All Students
Feb. 25 - Cougar Council Dress Up Day: Twin Day
Feb. 28 - Board of Education Meeting

Valentines and Birthday Treats
Now that we are in the second semester of school we are allowing students to bring INDIVIDUALLY PACKAGED, STORE bought birthday treats to school and with Valentine's Day coming up quickly, students will also be able to bring Valentines to share with their classmates.
Face Coverings
**Face Coverings are now optional. Please note some classrooms have extended masks timelines due to additional cases in their classrooms. Please continue to check IC messages for updates on individual classroom masking guidelines**
Order your 2021-2022 Yearbook
Yearbooks are on sale now and will ONLY BE SOLD ONLINE!
Orders are due by March 1st.
Link to order is below:
School Confirmation Forms Due February 1st
Our 2nd and 3rd grade students received a School Confirmation Form. Thank you for taking a moment to complete the form and return it to school with your child in his/her folder. This information is used as we plan for classes and staffing for the next school year. If you have any questions about your form, feel free to contact Mrs. Knapp at We would be happy to answer any questions so you feel informed as we move forward planning for '22-23.
COVID-19 Clinics
Walk-Ins Welcome!
2411 S. Kensington Drive
Appleton, WI 54911
Free PCR tests available Monday-Wednesday from 9am-5pm
Pre-register at
COVID-19 Vaccines available Thursdays 9am-12pm and Fridays 7am-12pm
1st, 2nd, and booster doses for Moderna, Pfizer and Janessen
Make appointment at
In addition, Kaukauna Area School District will continue to office COVID-19 PCR tests! To obtain an appointment for a COVID-19 test at Kaukauna High School, please call the high school health office at 920-766-6100 ext. 5240.
There is no charge for the testing. A testing technician at the site will provide additional necessary information, and a signed waiver is required for each nasal swab test. Those testing will get a communication with results, and then the results will be reported to the State.
Additionally please feel free to contact the the school nurse at your student's school with any questions or concerns:
PurposeFull People Kindness Family Activity
Coupons To Spare - Save the coupon mailers from your mailbox or the paper. Be intentional this week to clip the coupons that you won’t use and put them next to that product on your next trip to the grocery store. Make it a competition who can collect and plant the most coupons for someone to find and experience some positivity! Bonus points if you write a kind message or quote on the back of each one.
Monthly Student Raffle Prizes

Hello Quinney Families,
We have increased the number of PBIS raffle prizes the past few months since there are so many great students at EQ earning tickets for showing the ABC of Respect, Responsibility, and Being Ready to Learn throughout our school. We are in need of some more items for prizes for March, April, and May. We’ve made it easy for you by creating a wishlist on Amazon. You can order directly from Amazon and the item can be shipped to Quinney. Just click here Quinney ABC’s Raffle Prizes to bring you to the wish list. When you checkout, select to have it shipped to Electa Quinney. Please check yes to the gift receipt so we can make sure to thank you for your support. Thank you so much for considering our request.
The Quinney Staff
Lost and Found
Lots of items have accumulated in the lost and found. Feel free to enter through the front office to search for any missing hats, gloves, shoes, clothes, etc. that may belong to your child.
Community Events and Activity Flyers