Sunday, May 31, 2020

June 1-4, 2020


Final video announcement...

Please take a moment to click on and view the video announcement above with your child!  

Monday, June 1

Happy Birthday: Mrs. Jozwiak's room - Nora Keough and Alenna Morrison

Tuesday, June 2

Happy Birthday: Mrs. Ponte's room - Reid Smits
  • Terrific Tuesday - Be a bucket filler today!  

Wednesday, June 3

Happy Birthday: Mrs. Durrant's room - Ethan Gromola

  • What Went Well Wednesday - 
    • What has been going well for you? 

Thursday, June 4


Congratulations to our 4th Graders and Good Luck as they move on to River View!!!

Join us at 10:30 a.m. on Google Meets for the our end of the year Assembly featuring our school song, picture slideshow, 4th grade farewell, Character Tango and more!  CLICK HERE on that day/time!

Goodbyes.  Well Wishes!!!

Please help us in wishing good luck to so many staff as we say goodbye in the various staffing changes taking place this year.  
Kelly Haehlke - 3rd Grade Teacher
Carrie Forster - 4th Grade Teacher
Sherri Wolf - Library Media Specialist
Vicky Driessen - Educational Assistant
Mollie Stratton - PE Teacher
Becky Nimmer - Music Teacher
We send wishes of good luck as each of these staff members begin a new exciting journey next year.  The EQ students have been so lucky to have been blessed by their time, talents and likewise enriched by the opportunities  provided by them.


So this is it! The culmination of the 19-20 school year at Electa Quinney!  We have a few fun events in store yet this week.  End of the year Google Meets between teachers and students!!!  And our END OF THE YEAR ASSEMBLY occuring virtually via Google meets.  It will be so very special to end the year in the same way we started with the school song, celebrations, and Character Tango!  Click the blue link above on Thursday at 10:30 am.  Please keep camera and microphone off in hope that it will improve everyone's access.  

Thank you, parents and students, for braving the end of this year and making a amazing despite the closure of the physical building.  It has been an  amazing school year!

Monday, May 25, 2020

May 25-29, 2020

This week's video announcement...

Please take a moment to click on and view the video announcement above with your child!  

Monday, May 25


Tuesday, May 26

Happy Birthday: Allyson Kaas - 2-Ritzke, Emma Mirsberger - 2-Dakins
  • Terrific Tuesday - Be a bucket filler today!  We challenge you to share a kind thought with someone at home, with your teacher or another classmate through Google Classroom or SeeSaw.  

Wednesday, May 27


Send your pictures of your Field Day activities 
to Mrs. Knapp at
so we can share them on Facebook and Instagram 
with our school community followers!!!
  • What Went Well Wednesday - 
    • What has been going well for you? 

Thursday, May 28

  • Things That Make You Go Hmm... Thursday!
    • Can you spot the differences...

Friday, May 29

Happy Birthday: Emily Pauls - 3-Kieckhafer
  • Funny Friday-  Post a joke on your Google Classroom or SeeSaw page for your class. 
  • Virtual Summer School Registration Ends at 12 Noon Today!

Hello EQ Families,

WOW!  Parents and students you have really shown your super powers since we have not been in school together!  We thank you for all you have done to stay connected in the Google Classroom with online learning and Google Meets!  As we end this school year, we will be shifting our focus from adding new learning opportunities to the google classroom to taking time to meet with our students and wish them well as we begin summer break.

May 29 will be our last day of new continued learning in the Google Classroom/via email and teacher/ student meetings will take place June 1st - 4th.  Staff will schedule Google Meets to wish our students well, thank our families for their efforts and bring closure to the school year.  Google Classrooms will remain open for any families wishing to continue any learning previously added to the classroom or explore any enrichment activities.  The Flexible Learning page on the KASD website will also have learning opportunities for families if you would like to make use of them.

Next week brings our annual FIELD DAY, a typical end of the year event.  We will hold the all school VIRTUAL FIELD DAY on Wednesday, May 27th.  Get those minds and muscles ready boys and girls, the Field Day activities are our learning for that day!  The PE teachers have so much fun in store for you!

Mark your calendars for a virtual all school assembly on Thursday, June 4th at 10:30 a.m.  Each year we start our year together in an all school assembly and we end our year together celebrating our school family in an all school assembly.  This assembly will take place in a Google Meet format and families can watch and join in from home!

Thank you for all you have done to stay connected and engaged in learning during the safer at home closure.  You have taken being a partner in your child’s learning to a whole new level.  You are a Superhero!!!  Our school family is strong and we look forward to that time when we can once again greet each of you as you enter our school.

As always, please let me know if you have any celebrations or questions!

Wishing You Well!
Stacy Knapp

Summer School - NOW VIRTUAL!!!

Summer School will still be able to take place but in an updated "virtual" format due to the closure of our school buildings through June 30, 2020.  Courses now range from core courses such as ELA and Math to some of our popular non-core courses such as Science Exploration and Ghost Training. The goal of these courses is to bring FUN and engaging core content areas for SUMMER!  Students will be involved in activities, games, and fun challenges! These courses are open to all students.   Those students who received a letter referring them for Remedial Math or Reading can register for the math and/or reading classes for your grade level if you desire.  The classes will no longer be in a "remedial" format but rather with a focus on content from the grade level just completed to continue to strengthen student experiences and knowledge.

How will it work? 
Courses will be scheduled and teachers will deliver content virtually during the scheduled time for each class. We will use Google Classroom as our main platform this summer. Students will communicate with their teachers using Google Classroom through an email address. For students entering Grades K-2, the email address will be the primary email address for that student in Infinite Campus. Students entering grades 3-12 will use their school issued email address. Students will be expected to attend classes via Google Meets and interact with their classmates during their class times. 

Registration Window: 

REGISTRATION BEGAN FRIDAY, MAY 15 AT NOON and close on Friday, May 29th at noon. 
Please use the links located on the left side of our Kaukauna Area School District Summer School website to register. Families should expect to hear from their summer school teachers with class details after the registration window closes.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

May 18-22, 2020

This week's video announcement...

Please take a moment to click on and view the video announcement above with your child!  

Monday, May 18

Happy Birthday: Josiah S. - 3 Haehlke

Tuesday, May 19

Happy Birthday: Allie N. - 2 Ritzke
  • Terrific Tuesday - Be a bucket filler today!  We challenge you to share a kind thought with someone at home, with your teacher or another classmate through Google Classroom or SeeSaw.  

Wednesday, May 20

Happy Birthday: Pa Kub V. - 2 Owen
  • What Went Well Wednesday - 
    • What has been going well for you?  Listen to what the third graders had to say in the fall.  Is this going well for you at home with your brothers, sisters, or family?

Thursday, May 21

  • Things That Make You Go Hmm... Thursday!
  • Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue?
    Have you ever wondered why there are 360 degrees in a circle?

Friday, May 22

Happy Birthday: Trenton K. - 2 Jozwiak
Weekend:  Shane D. - 3 Kieckhafer, Riley N. - 3 Haehlke, Lily B. - 4Baranczyk/Wiese, Summer B. - 4 Forster, Ethan L. - 4 Herlache
  • Funny Friday-  Post a joke on your Google Classroom or SeeSaw page for your class. 

MARK YOUR CALENDAR - Our Virtual FIELD DAY will be on Wednesday, May 27th.  Watch for more information from your teacher during that week!!!

Student Belongings and Future Pick-up

Pick-up days for student belongings are this week -- Monday, May 18 - Thursday, May 21. Due to our large number of families, we needed to stagger pickup times and are using Sign-up Genius to help us with this.  Click here to be linked to Sign-up Genius if you have not yet had a chance to sign-up. 
When arriving during your timeframe, please follow these guidelines:
  1. We ask that parents arrive by car, and as much as possible, with windows and doors remaining closed throughout the process.
  2. Please make a sign for your right side windshield window with:
    • Your Children’s Last Name in BIG, bold, dark lettering,
    • The number of Quinney children
    • A RED Star if you have any medicine that you need returned by the Health Office.
  3. The pickup stopping point for cars is the Lobby entrance.  Cars need to enter the front parking lot entrance and follow the cones to the Lobby Entrance (curbside pick-up).
  4. When you arrive at the door, please have your trunk open. If your trunk does not automatically open from the inside of your car, then please use proper social distancing to step outside of your car and open your trunk. Then, please return to the driver’s seat and proceed with caution.
  5. A Quinney employee will view the sign in your window, walkie talkie your name and number of children to an employee within the building who will collect your child/ren’s belongings and deliver the bag/s of belongings to your trunk.
  6. There will be no human-to-human contact.
  7. If you have any Quinney Classroom or School items…please have those ready to go, already in your trunk in a labeled bag (i.e. “Quinney Books and YOUR NAME”).
    • For example…
      • Library books
      • Classroom/School books to return to the school
      • Any teacher loaned items (manipulatives)
    • Chromebooks that have been loaned out via the school district will remain with students for learning and DO NOT need to be returned at this time.
  8. A Quinney employee will put the bag/s of your child/ren’s belongings in your trunk, collect any properly marked bags of “Quinney books”, and close your trunk.
  9. Once your trunk is closed, please proceed with caution.

A few things to keep in mind:
  • Please remain patient throughout this process and we will do our best to keep the Car Line moving smoothly.
  • If, upon returning home, you find someone else’s belongings mixed in with your child’s, please let us know at the email addresses below.  We will do our best to find a solution.
  • If you are unable to pick up your child/ren’s belongings, we will save them in the bag/s at Quinney.  We will contact you to schedule an alternate time once the district has approved all schools to reopen and operate with regular hours. 
  • If you have any other needs or issues for scheduling pick-up prior, please email one or both of the email addresses below.
  • There are currently some items in the Quinney Lost and Found. Therefore, if you find yourself missing a belonging, please email one or both of the email addresses below and we will check the lost and found for you.
If you have any questions or concerns with this process, please contact us at...  and/or

Summer School - NOW VIRTUAL!!!

Summer School will still be able to take place but in an updated "virtual" format due to the closure of our school buildings through June 30, 2020.  Courses now range from core courses such as ELA and Math to some of our popular non-core courses such as Science Exploration and Ghost Training. The goal of these courses is to bring FUN and engaging core content areas for SUMMER!  Students will be involved in activities, games, and fun challenges! These courses are open to all students.   Those students who received a letter referring them for Remedial Math or Reading can register for the math and/or reading classes for your grade level if you desire.  The classes will no longer be in a "remedial" format but rather with a focus on content from the grade level just completed to continue to strengthen student experiences and knowledge.

How will it work? 
Courses will be scheduled and teachers will deliver content virtually during the scheduled time for each class. We will use Google Classroom as our main platform this summer. Students will communicate with their teachers using Google Classroom through an email address. For students entering Grades K-2, the email address will be the primary email address for that student in Infinite Campus. Students entering grades 3-12 will use their school issued email address. Students will be expected to attend classes via Google Meets and interact with their classmates during their class times. 

Registration Window: 

REGISTRATION BEGAN FRIDAY, MAY 15 AT NOON and close on Friday, May 29th at noon. 
Please use the links located on the left side of our Kaukauna Area School District Summer School website to register. Families should expect to hear from their summer school teachers with class details after the registration window closes.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

May 11-15, 2020

This week's video announcement...

  • This week's episode of the announcements features previously recorded snippets from many of our classes earlier this year.
  • Please take a moment to click on and view the video announcement above with your child!  

Monday, May 11

Happy Birthday: Mr. Halloran, Olivia B. - 2 Jozwiak, 
Michelle C. - 2 Owen, Robert D. - 3 Gill

Tuesday, May 12

Happy Birthday: Lexys X. - 4Herlache
  • Terrific Tuesday - Be a bucket filler today!  We challenge you to share a kind thought with someone at home, with your teacher or another classmate through Google Classroom or SeeSaw.  

Wednesday, May 13

Happy Birthday: Ava D. - 4Ponte
  • What Went Well Wednesday - 
    • What has been going well for you?  Listen to what the third graders had to say in the fall.  Is this going well for you at home with your brothers, sisters, or family?

Thursday, May 14

  • Things That Make You Go Hmm... Thursday!

Friday, May 15

Happy Birthday: Lofton M. - 2McKinnon
  • Funny Friday-  Post a joke on your Google Classroom or SeeSaw page for your class. 

Student Belongings and Future Pick-up

This week staff are working at Quinney to prepare your child/ren’s belongings for pickup.  While you will see cars in the parking lot, please know that we are following social distancing guidelines. As much as we would love to say HELLO, we are unable to accept any visitors who are non-district employees.  

Pick-up will occur the week of May 18th.  Please watch email and our social media sites early this week for information about dates/times for parent pickup of student belongings. 

KASD Art Show

Thanks to our caring KASD Art Staff, the KASD Art Show display this year will continue virtually this year.  Watch the KASD School District website and social media pages this week to view the video display of KASD student art.  Congratulations to our featured EQ Artists!

Placement with Care

The elementary staff will soon be starting the student placement process for the 2020-21 school year.  Our goal is to create heterogeneous classroom groups to accommodate the learning needs and styles of every student.  The staff at each school spends a great deal of time and effort to determine the proper homeroom placement of children for the coming year.

The following factors are considered when seeking to provide the best educational program for all students in any given classroom:

→ Provide a balance by gender, ability, leadership qualities and classroom size.
→ Balancing by gender
→ Balancing by ability levels (below, on, above grade level)
→ Balancing specific strengths and needs, including any special needs, giftedness, or language issues.
→ Maintaining optimal classroom size
→ Create a positive match for students with peers.
  • Considerations are given for students who do not work well together, and also for students who may get along “too well,” interfering with learning.  Specific behavior needs (such as assertiveness, shyness, attention span and behavior choices) are also considered.
  • We also consider information from related arts (music, art, physical education, library media) staff, Pupil Services staff, and Individual Education Plan (IEP) teams are considered based on knowledge and observations of children in multiple environments.
  • Parent input. Information from parents is considered as the final step in the process. We find that most parents are comfortable with the classroom placements made by staff.  However, we realize that parents can also provide specific information about their child that could be helpful in assisting the student placement process.  Parents have the ability to choose to provide written input into the placement process by answering the parent input form questions via email this year.  If you wish to share input, please send an email answering the following questions to Stacy Knapp, Principal at :
  1.  Student’s Name
  2.  Present Grade
  3.  Current Classroom Teacher for 19-20
  4.  Please summarize any characteristics of your child’s learning that you feel we should know.
  5.  Please describe the learning environment in which you believe your child may experience the most success.
  6.  Please provide any additional information about your child that would be of use to us to make an appropriate decision.
Please note that:
➤ The email with responses must be received by Monday, May 17th.  Forms returned after this date may not be considered. 
➤ Completing a form is optional. The intent of this form is to provide additional child-specific information for the placement process, and not to specify a teacher preference. Requests that name a specific teacher may not be considered in the placement process. 
➤ Verbal information or requests cannot be honored.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

May 4-8, 2020

    This week's video announcement...

    • This week's episode of the announcements features previously recorded snippets from 2nd grade classes earlier this year and some pictures sent in especially for you from EQ staff.
    • Please take a moment to click on and view the video announcement above with your child!  

    Monday, May 4

    Happy Birthday: From Mr. Kieckhafer's room - Drew D., Macey D., Ryland R., From Mrs. Durrant's room - Fernanda V-G.
    • Movement Monday - Participate in a physical activity.  Mrs. Stratton explains the Treasure Map activity in the video below.

    Tuesday, May 5

    Happy Birthday: Zander M. from Mrs. Durrant's room
    • Terrific Tuesday - Be a bucket filler today!  We challenge you to share a bucket slip or hand written note with a kind thought with someone at home, with your teacher or another classmate through Google Classroom or SeeSaw.  Here are some bucket slips shared earlier this year by some of our second grade students...

    Wednesday, May 6

    Happy Birthday: Sydney J.  from Ms. Gaines' room
    • What Went Well Wednesday - 
      • What has been going well for you?  Listen to what the third graders had to say in the fall.  Is this going well for you at home with your brothers, sisters, or family?

    Thursday, May 7

    Happy Birthday: Preston D. - from Mrs. Ritzke's room, Shayne D. - from Mrs. Owen's room, Derek L-M - from Ms. Dakins' room, Madilyn S. - from Ms. Gaines' room
    • Things That Make You Go Hmm... Thursday!
      • Here one from earlier in the year from the second graders..

    Friday, May 8

    Happy Birthday: Braelyn O. - from Mrs. Herlache's room, Chanel Y. - from Mrs. Ritzke's room, Mrs. Cleveland;  David M. - from Mrs. Jozwiak's room (9th)

    • Funny Friday-  Here is a joke for Funny Friday from second grade!  Post a joke on your Google Classroom or SeeSaw page for your class. 

    Have a story to share or a picture of your child or family doing the themes listed above?  

    Send them to Mrs. Knapp at and we'll share them with our school family on Facebook and Instagram!  One way to have fun together even though we are socially distanced!

    We LOVE our Quinney Teachers & Staff!!!

    This week we want to keep our Superhero Staff in mind this week!  Thank you to all that were able to help share their thoughts, pictures, and videos.  We will be sharing those this week!!!!  If you haven't done so yet, there is still time.  See the emails from Mrs. Knapp sent on April 25 and April 29, 2020.  If you no longer have the emails, let Mrs. Knapp know and she will send it your way again  THANK YOU EVERYONE!