January 2: Classes Resume
January 4: All School Assembly
January 5: Funky Friday! MisMatched, Tie-Dye, etc.
Character Traits Color Week:
January 4: All School Assembly
January 5: Funky Friday! MisMatched, Tie-Dye, etc.
Character Traits Color Week:
January 15: Red
January 16: Orange
January 17: Green/Yellow
January 18: Blue
January 19: Purple
January 19: 1/2 day, 11:30 Dismissal
January 22: No School
January 29: PAC Meeting at 6:00 PM
February 14: Red, White & Pink Day
February 20: EQ Family Event
February 22 & 23: No School
February 26: 9:15-12:00 All Grade 2 Fieldtrip to Weidner Center
February 27: Twin Day! Dress like twins
February 27: PAC Meeting 6:00-7:00 PM
February 12: 100th Day! Dress like you are 100 or wear somthing with 100 on it!February 14: Red, White & Pink Day
February 20: EQ Family Event
February 22 & 23: No School
February 26: 9:15-12:00 All Grade 2 Fieldtrip to Weidner Center
February 27: Twin Day! Dress like twins
February 27: PAC Meeting 6:00-7:00 PM

I would like to welcome everyone back from the winter break and hope that all were able to enjoy the time to relax and participate in some memorable activities with family and friends. I’m sure 2018 will be just as great as 2017 was for Quinney School. We ended the year with such great success and school community spirit heading into the New Year.
As we begin the new year, January brings to our mid-year assessments, the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics. The assessments are used to help us monitor student’s progress towards meeting end of the year benchmarks or showing considerable growth from the beginning of the year. Some parents express concern about the amount of assessments, however, it is these assessment results that have been critical to helping us alter instruction and intervene for some students in a tiered support system.
In regards to calendar items, there will be no school for students in the afternoon on Friday, January 19th and all day on Monday, January 22. Report cards will go home with students the week of January 29th. I want to thank all of our families for all that you do in supporting our students and teachers as we look forward to an outstanding second semester here at Electa Quinney!
As we begin the new year, January brings to our mid-year assessments, the MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics. The assessments are used to help us monitor student’s progress towards meeting end of the year benchmarks or showing considerable growth from the beginning of the year. Some parents express concern about the amount of assessments, however, it is these assessment results that have been critical to helping us alter instruction and intervene for some students in a tiered support system.
In regards to calendar items, there will be no school for students in the afternoon on Friday, January 19th and all day on Monday, January 22. Report cards will go home with students the week of January 29th. I want to thank all of our families for all that you do in supporting our students and teachers as we look forward to an outstanding second semester here at Electa Quinney!

Location - Classes will continue to be held at Kaukauna High School.
Dates - All courses will be offered in one session, Tuesday June 12 - Friday June 29, Monday - Friday.
Strength and Conditioning and Music Lessons/Band Camp will also be held in July.
Other Valuable Information:
We will again offer an Open House prior to the start of summer school for families to become familiar with the location and rooms that classes will be taking place in.
Busing/transportation will continue to be an option for families for a fee.
NEW THIS YEAR! All community flyers will be found on the district web page. Click here to access information about the following events/activities...
Anyone requesting flyer distribution at the elementary level should submit an electronic copy to the district office, attention Erin Kape at for consideration two weeks prior to the first of each month. Click here or visit the school district website to view the up to date list of events and flyers.
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Anyone requesting flyer distribution at the elementary level should submit an electronic copy to the district office, attention Erin Kape at for consideration two weeks prior to the first of each month. Click here or visit the school district website to view the up to date list of events and flyers.

Also, at the assembly, the students prepared for a Penny War to raise money for the Ronald McDonald House in Milwaukee. The "Competition" ran from Dec. 4-8. Students collected $1,478.65! Quinney students truly understand the Character Traits and put them to use in their daily lives!

Here are a couple of ideas:
- Write them a thank you note
- Give them a small token of appreciation: Pocket hand warmers, a cookie, a gift card, a scarf, coffee or hot chocolate, etc.
Believe it or not, it’s time to begin 4K & 5K registration for the upcoming school year! Here is some important information to help in the process:
4K and new to Kaukauna 5K registration - Registration packets will be mailed on Wednesday, December 27th. Letters will be sent home to eligible 4K (those who will be 4 on or before September 1, 2018) and new to Kaukauna Kindergarten (those who will be 5 on or before September 1, 2018) students. Forms will need to be returned to the Tanner Early Learning Center office by Friday, February 2, 2018. In order to plan for classroom and staffing needs, it is crucial that we receive this information now. If you know of anyone with a child turning four or five and did not receive a packet, please encourage the parent to call Tanner Early Learning Center at 766-6150.
Informational Meetings – We will be offering Informational meetings to assist parents in making decisions about the school choices that are offered in Kaukauna. The focus will be to share both the similarities and the differences among our elementary options. The Kaukauna Area School District has five elementary options, including two charter schools.
Tanner Early Learning Center: 4K-grade 1
New Directions Learning Community Charter: 4K- grade 4
Park Community Charter School- K-4
Victor Haen Elementary: grades 1-4
Electa Quinney Elementary: grades 2-4
The dates and times of these meetings are listed below for your reference. They are an excellent opportunity for you to gather information about the elementary options in KASD. We hope to see you there!
Elementary General Informational Meeting- An informational meeting for parents about the elementary options offered in the Kaukauna Area School District will be held at Tanner on Thursday, January 11th from 5:30 – 6:30 pm. There will be a brief, general presentation followed by rotations to learn more about each option. You will hear about the programs at Tanner Early Learning Center, Electa Quinney, Haen, Park Community Charter School and New Directions Learning Community Charter School. This meeting is designed for parents. There will be an opportunity to have your child visit their school prior to the start of the school year.
Tanner Early Learning Center – Open House for 2018-2019 4K students will be held on Monday, January 15th and Thursday, January 18th from 4:30-6:30 pm, Friday, January 19th from 8:00-9:00 am and Monday, January 22nd from 11:30 am–1:00 pm. Please stop in and visit during any of these time slots. These events will offer an opportunity to see classrooms and meet the teachers.
New Directions Learning Community (NDLC) – Informational sessions for parents will be held at New Directions on Tuesday, January 16th from 6:00-7:00 pm, Monday, January 22nd from 10:00 am–1:00 pm and Thursday, February 1st from 6:00-7:00 pm . At the info session there is an opportunity to learn more about our school and to take a tour. Join us for an information session to learn more about our school and an open house to tour the school and meet our staff. Hope to see you there!
Park Community Charter School (PCCS) – Informational sessions for parents will be held at PCCS on Wednesday, January 17th from 8:00 am and 12:30 pm. Join us for an opportunity to meet the Principal, tour the building while students are in session, and attend a Brain Smart Start in the classrooms. Brain Smart Start is a key part of our school wide Conscious Discipline program. Brain Smart Starts will be held at 8:00 and 12:30 in our kindergarten classrooms with tours by our principal to follow each.
(Homerooms-Ebben, McKinnon, Dercks & Rosenbeck)
Our birthday composer for the month of December was Berlioz. We learned about the life and music of this famous composer. One of his most famous pieces is called "Symphonie Fantastique." Berlioz uses music to create many different feelings and pictures in this piece. We used a guided listening sheet to record what we heard in the music and what the sounds made us feel and imagine.


We talked in class about how the holidays could be a hard time to stay healthy because people are generally inside more and less active. There is also a lot of unhealthy food. We then talked about ways that families can stay active over break and in the winter time.
Stay active as a family this winter!

2nd grade
The 2nd graders took a sneak peak at some of the music for the upcoming concert on March 22 at 6:30 in the gym. They enjoyed learning and singing many songs of the season. Some of their favorites were: Jingle Bells, Este Es La Navidad, Silver Bells, Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer.
The 3rd graders enjoyed learning about and singing songs of the season during December. They started with Silver Bells where they learned that it uses the same form as many of our other songs-verse and refrain. They also divided up into 2 singing groups where the 2nd group sang and echo part. Some of their other favorites were: North Pole, North Pole, Deck The Halls, Jingle Bells, and The 12 Days Of Christmas where they got to work in groups to create movements and compose new verses.
4th grade
The 4th graders are going great on their recorders and the Recorder Karate Program. They have still been focussing on three notes so far, B, A, and G. Please encourage and help your child to practice their recorder at home to improve what we are learning at school. The 4th graders also enjoyed learning about and singing some songs of the season. One of their favorites was The 12 Days of Christmas. They worked in small groups to create movements for each verse. Then they were able to compose new verses to create a whole new song. It was a lot of fun!!
Library Web Site:
Third and Fourth Graders participated in several coding activities. Students used the apps, Scratch Jr. and Tynker to explore the world of computer programing. In addition to free apps, there are several great web sites that feature coding games and activities for children. Check them out by clicking this link and selecting the Hour of Code tab:
Fourth Grade: Fourth graders practiced putting Dewey Decimal call numbers in order. We are almost experts!
December FLEW! We finished up volleyball in 3rd and 4th grade. Both levels were starting to get into the swing of things with great volleys. 4th graders worked hard to keep score, third grades focus was more on getting the ball back and forth. 2nd grade was working on team building activities with games like steal the gold. We also got to finish up December with “Snowmen at Night” centers. We read the book and did all the things snowmen do at night! In January both 2nd and 3rd graders will be starting the inline skating unit. This unit fun for all, but does take some set up, over winter break look for helmets! My classes will need them! :)

During the month of January, I will be visiting all of the classrooms and talking with students about Bullying/Violence Prevention! In each grade level we will discuss the definition of bullying (negative, hurtful actions toward another person that occur repeatedly over time usually with an imbalance of power…or “when someone is being mean and hurtful over and over again”). We will discuss the difference between “conflict” and “Bullying”. Grades 1 and 2 will be learning about positive ways to handle bullying situations, while grades 3 and 4 will focus on ways to prevent bullying situations at Electa Quinney Elementary School. Throughout all grades, we will be emphasizing the importance of showing good character and being a “bucket filler” as bullying prevention methods. . As always, feel free to call me at 766-6100 Ext. 3309 or email me at with any questions or concerns.
Can be provided on an as needed basis for short term social/emotional concerns. Students may be referred by self, teacher or parent.


If you are unable to provide the needed winter wear items for your child, please don’t hesitate to contact the health office at your child’s school.
Thanks in advance for helping all children stay safe in the winter weather and have fun in the snow as only children can.